Achieving What I Couldn't Before in Ranked… – Apex Legends Season 12 Solo to Masters

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23 thoughts on “Achieving What I Couldn't Before in Ranked… – Apex Legends Season 12 Solo to Masters”

  1. Made it diamond both splits for the first time since season 3! The grind is crazy hard! So much respect for making it this far! I couldn’t get past diamond 4 solo q’ing and I’m on console lolol can’t even imagine playing against mnk

  2. Congrats!!! That’s my goal next sns cause I hit diamond4 like 3 times towards the end of the previous season. Now I can near speed run to diamond it’s time to try n hit masters

  3. Solo que from bronze to d2 in second split kept getting d4s who just didn’t care about wining/ being part of the team and dealing with their toxicity t lol it’s tuff so I just stopped playing lol.

  4. So much respect to anyone that can get through plat solo to diamond none the less masters! I have only gotten to Plat 2 which I’m pretty happy with I’m not an insane console player like Itemp lol

  5. Im almost always a solo player with the exeption of me an my buddy playing a few games a week and even then we cant do well cause our randoms love to push solo without saying anything when we are trying to loot or they run away when were in a fight and rhe last person could be 1 shot and they have full health. Its so annoying


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