Aether and Lumine reunited! Side by side [Genshin Impact]


45 thoughts on “Aether and Lumine reunited! Side by side [Genshin Impact]”

  1. The twin be like: "you gotta finish the story 1st bro. Im not spoiling."

    Abyss leader twin is like that player who's at the "end game" and our traveller is a newbie trying to power rush through the game to get to high level quick and be as strong as old players. 😂
    "though we need not rush, i have more than enough time to wait for you" = enjoy your game and grind cause inazuma still isn't released yet.

  2. I was a bit surprised being called by the canon name.

    I like to think when either Aether or Lumine started to explore Teyvat to search for their sibling, they took upon a different name (chosen by the player), to protect who they are.

  3. hmmm I play as Aether so Lumine is the “villain” for me. I also play in JP so my experience Is pretty different. But I find I liked JP dub a lot better. For some reason, Lumine sounds very neutral. She has almost no intonation or emotion in her voice. I thought it was going to be a plot point until I realized the voices in ENG are mich more fill of emotions. I liked Lumine JP dub a lot… I think it reflects the current state of the story more. But that’s just my ipiniony

  4. "The battle between wisdom vs war"
    -Teyvat Historia

    Tho I cant wait to equip the "star sword" on aether once its available for like I dunno; next 3 years. Tho Im kinda jealous that lumine gets to use her "moon sword" while mihoyo chose to equip the dull blade on aether. I was hoping that aether used the festering desire during this scene.

  5. I love how there's difference in the way they potray the siblings. They have a different sword designs here, (slightly) different expressions, and the way they say things are different. Which is obv because even though they are siblings, they have different personalities and such. Aether is much more gentle, and bit sad whilst Lumine is a bit cold and strict(in my opinion). The story has so much lore and it's hard for me to keep up hshshs

  6. Honestly I believe that Lumine (as the villain) has travelled through time or smth. I might be wrong though, but seriously I think that since she's gone through the world once, she's gone through it again and she's trying to change the fate of Khanria. Or not change it particularly but raise hell to the gods and create a new khaenria with the Abyss as the rulers bringing a new khaenria as they were once the people of that fallen nation.

    Also in the trvail trailer Dainsleif says "then the threads of destiny will be yours to reweave" so he's going to have to end up fighting against fate, once he goes through the world he's going to go through it again to fight against destiny in the better way, not in the way Lumine is with the Abyss and bring her to the right way.

    Besides She said she's already travelled through the world once, and she says she'll wait for him to go through the world
    Plus she says she "has enough time", and they have 'always had enough time" probably referring to how in other worlds there may have been pressing situations too but they have always had the time to be able to deal with it, probably due to their long life span as well.

    Plus there's a lot of references to destiny and fate in the quests from before, when Dainslief was explaining Khaenria and the eye of the first Ruin guard (field Tiller???) He said smth about Destiny and it having the power to change it or not exactly that but, with that combined with something else.

    I'm gonna have to go through the lines again. Ahhh and there's many more thoughts that I have devating against my opinion and like it's constantly changing and correcting and it's hard to all get down in a comment.

    Also there's a higher being other than the gods of teyvat, have y'all thought about this? The Archon of (freaking however you spell Childe's home because I spelt it wrong so many times) Snezhnaya is planning a rebellion against the divine
    Also the God of Justice (is it of Fontain) know not to make an enemy of the divine….so there's some people even more powerful than the gods that existed on teyvat, in this case the people sitting on the seats of celestia (the very same people that used the bodies of the champions to create the earth which I really dislike ajaksh)

  7. okay, but where's Dainsleif tho? like after Lumine/Aether disappeared? didn't he say was going to destroy the corrupted statue? plus he had the first field tiller…. uhm, did dain just betray us or?? gosh im confused

  8. Okay but can we stop arguing about who's the better villain and just agree that both are amazing in their own way. Lumine as the villain has that dead look that shows how determined she is to reach her goal, but still has that longingness. Aether as the villain has more of the longing look than Lumine, showing that he really wants to go home, but knows that he has to reach his goal first.

  9. i played as lumine and i was really out of it cuz it was late and the first thing i said was, “aether’s a little bitch you couldnt at least give me a goodbye hug?” and i-

  10. Yet everyone picks Lumime… 90% of everyone does… despite him being canon and him voicing all the demo characters' talents on the official English Genshin YT channel… As if there isn't enough waifus in the game they pick; they never work on her and abandon her…

  11. I like how people in the replies talk about how they chose Aether because they thought this is gonna happen and I’m just sitting here, choosing him because I thought he will talk a lot bc I liked his VA lmao


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