Ahri Rework Gameplay – Riot's Best Rework Yet

Ahri Rework Gameplay – Riot’s Best Rework Yet

The League of Legends Champion Ahri has just received a rework on the PBE (Test Realm) – How strong is the new Reworked Ahri?

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29 thoughts on “Ahri Rework Gameplay – Riot's Best Rework Yet”

  1. From all the games I've seen it looks like if your ahead then you'll actually get to make use of the changes, but since her damage is now quite a bit lower it'll actually be harder to get ahead so…

  2. As a ahri main I love the passive changes, makes her more team fight viable to survive after you burst. Shes one of the squishiest mages.i love that they reduced the mana cost on her abilities, her new R is a bit overtuned I’d say keep the same R but cap it out at 5 and max lvl 6 dashes. Her E no one is happy with that, she really does need the damage amp to kill anything.

  3. Yeah might as well give a passive movement speed buff on the E. I mean mobility's the name of the game isn't that right ? Every recent champion is too mobile. Makes the old champions feel like shit and boring.

  4. Now that's what you really call BROKEN xD , i already play Ahri ez champ just weak early game and you need to know how to land your E but with that ult reset she can just 1v5… "Old Samira v2.0"


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