Akali's Rework – Riot's WORST or BEST Rework? | League of Legends

Sorry for the delay on this episode! I got caught up working on a bunch of other ideas, but we finally have the next episode of the Rework Retrospective series: Akali. This one might be a surprise for some of you, as I’m gonna contest the idea that she might actually have been Riot’s BEST rework. (No I don’t have a gun pointed to my head. Watch the video to find out what I mean!)

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#LoL #Akali #Rework


46 thoughts on “Akali's Rework – Riot's WORST or BEST Rework? | League of Legends”

  1. i do think it’s riot best rework. as of now akali sucks, she really do, i still cannot believe they removed a mechanic from her (Q while E). they could’ve done a trade like if you wanna remove a mechanic, add something so it’s fair. one thing i miss tho is her free targeting ult. I wish they brought that back

  2. what i think is a big issue is that people complained about her "having no counterplay" while below dia no one actually saw a good akali. i used to be an akali main, but i couldn't play her rework for shit.
    what i did then was hover her so my allies wouldn't ban her, then let the enemy pick it. this strategy won me so many games, as the enemies had an akali on their team, which was the worst thing at that point.
    even low elo akali mains, not just people who had just picked her up bc she was OP, couldn't actually carry half their games, even though they destroyed their enemy's mental and started surrender votes. (that's the worst part, she had 47% winrate, but most of her wins were early surrenders because people thought the game was over bc she got fed a double kill after 5 deaths and was still super far behind)

    now she got more and more simple, lowering her skill ceiling and her skill floor, making her stronger in most elos than she was back in the day, but people don't complain anymore. i am more scared of a person having played her 5 times over the last 30 days nowadays than i was scared of an akali back then who has played her 100 times / 30 days shortly after her rework.

    the main reason for me against the new akali was that she was completely unplayable below dia at the beginning, basically ruining all old akali mains from before the rework as their main got a lot cooler, but only playable if you want to drop elo first.
    i really loved the rework, but i hated how i couldn't play her ranked anymore 🙁

  3. I hate this version of akali because she spends more time unable to be targeted, has more mobility, and outscales most midlaners, even being able to 1v1 the likes of Kayle in the late game which is ridiculous for a champion that also spikes at 1050gold and lvl6

  4. The reason I think she is badly designed goes as follows:

    Champions like Akali rework, Irelia rework, Viego, Yone, Sylas are all champs that you never want to see in the game due to their volatile gameplay (10/0 or 0/10). It makes the game worst for everyone playing it, except, of course, for special Me (the main character) playing it.

    Riot's insistence on making 'main character' champions is what is ruining my enjoyment of the game

  5. Thing is, thematic may be cool and making Aurelion Sol a litteral god in the game might fit thematically and may be hella fun to play, but it would not be balanced. And in a competetive game like LoL balance is more important than thematic. (this comes from a lore nerd who cares a great deal about thematic)

    Akali may have been a success thematically, but she was and still is a falure in game balance.

  6. Akali to be finally balanced needs: true sight revealing her to can be targeted, and take the slow from their q, then give her more damage.
    Every assassin in the game have a frame u can do something Zed and Talon R cast, not being alone vs K6 Rengar R let u have time to prepare, LeBlanc marks where she is going to blink back, U should stand far from Katarina daggers.
    Maybe shaco doesn't have, but it's really vulnerable after using Q

    Akali can E to close distance R to you Q AA W and the Q AA R to go out and kill u without being a target bc I can't even AA her even if u reveal her in her shroud, that's why everyone hate the champ

  7. akali rework isnt bad but she is still broken as hell and the hardest to catch out of all the ninjas zed does more damage but if he is cc he prob is dead unless he had his w akali has lower cooldown e and can keep on doing it or r e r away if u blocked her escape passage

  8. Most people would kill me for this but…. (my opinion)

    Akali got a lot of changes, both good and bad. But Riot never managed to balance her so that everyone was happy.

    I play Akali, and I can say I'm not good, but I usually play against players who do mistake and then I will just kill them. So does it make me broken or it's their fault? I don't get it. And Akali also has her weaknesses when the players can't play her well. Also she's really popular (dunno why maybe bc of KDA thing) and new players just don't know much about her kit and can simply feed. 50% chance she will be useless and 50% she will carry. I will probably speak for all Akali players .. but I would return an E + Q combo and nerf E. And I would also return a Q that returned energy. I don't understand the buff that Akali's gonna get next patch..

  9. I still think that shes one of the worst rework, she and Irelia are still nightmeres to go against even with their respective 100000 nerfs, because they leave no agency, they have to mess up for you to win against them, I came to think that yuumi is better than them as a champion. They look amazing and their design improved a lot for both, but gamewise they are unforgivable for me.

  10. What i just dislike is that her E and R base damage are just too high. To the point where by having a Riftmaker and Zhonya's while running conqueror, is enough to 100-0 almost any squishy.
    I just think that if she wanted to deal that amount of damage,she should build Night's Harvester and Deathcap.
    Having so much burst while having the safety of those items,on top of being the safest assassin (maybe Qiyana is safer) isn't fair

  11. Balance or not, her rework made her a more popular champ. Which, of course, was also helped by the releases of KDA and True Damage.

    And that's a good thing in my book. I'd rather we have champs like her in the spotlight than generic, bland and boring looking champs like Lux, Ezreal, Seraphine, Gwen, Viego and Sett.

  12. honestly current akali is nice imo
    my issue is how long it took to get here from the rework, and how long we had to deal with that bullshit like you know the FUCKING TOWER INVIS or even after that was removed her still being way too strong with way too much burst for her slippery gameplay for quite sometime
    that said for me specificaly she was never more than an eventual nuisance considering I'm gold so I've ever only met like 2 decent-good akalis

  13. 12:54 Running Q wasn’t superfluous lol. She was already in a bad state when they did that, the only reason they removed it was because she was getting picked in pro play. Most low elo Akalis didn’t use running Q, so that was one of the best ways to nerf her pro. Her winrates dropped substantially after the change and they’re probably going to end up reverting it after worlds, especially given the double standard where they allowed Irelia (who is currently busted as all hell) to cast her E during Q because otherwise it “feels to clunky”

  14. 7:35 Ninjas technically are information gatherers, saboteurs, and exfiltrators, their equipment was used to avoid fights all together, not get into one and get out. if Riot really wants to make an authentic ninja character they should be adept at taking down objectives, not champions. :V

    Side note, it feels like a lot of your arguments against old Akali were based on extreme amounts of "What ifs" the argument that Akali steamrolled teams with no lockdown is a moot point as any team worth their salt would have had a tank, or at the very least a Blitzcrank.


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