*ALL* Predator Challenges Fortnite – Damage while Thermal is Active, Complete a Bounty as Predator

All Predator Challenges in Fortnite for Week 2 – Complete a bounty as predator, deal damage while thermal is active as predator, Spend 30s within 10m of a player as Predator and collect legendary weapons or rarer as well as Gameplay with the new mythic item – Predator’s Cloaking device!


21 thoughts on “*ALL* Predator Challenges Fortnite – Damage while Thermal is Active, Complete a Bounty as Predator”

  1. Here's a incredibly simple way to complete the "spend 30 seconds within 10 m from an enemy"

    Start a game of solos. Do not jump off the bus when the game starts, let the bus get to its "everyone off" part. Do not move or use your glider, this will make you stay near the afk people who did not get off the bus. Move your camera around so you don't get kicked for inactivity. Now you have the predator.

    I recommend to do this in solos as there seems to be more afk people in solos

    There is a chance that there will be no afk people or all of the afk people leave or get kicked. Just go into another game and try again.


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