Among Us in Survival?! – Hermitcraft 7: #68

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Today we start our new massive project, building Among Us in survival Minecraft on the Hermitcraft server. Let’s talk about all the design choices and how we plan to translate this fantastic game into Minecraft.

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Outro Music: Underwaterbeats – Delete


44 thoughts on “Among Us in Survival?! – Hermitcraft 7: #68”

  1. I think the problem with ghosts being inside the map and invisible is that they might get infront of shots of the impostor and itll cause a bit of chaos.. i suggest having an outside corridor to the map or something similar where the tasks are mirrored on the other side that way ghosts are dropped there instead of in the map and are then able to help with tasks (or sabotage) without potentially being in the way of impostor kills, and possibly make it a one way glass all around with item frames and maps with block textures so they are able to see whats going on inside the game and also are able to see if someone is currently doing the task they are trying to do or not, avoiding double completion of tasks and possible rest of the lights above.

    Just some of my thoughts, this seems very cool!

  2. My immediate thought for sabotage was to have blocks on the floor that are a slightly different colour that you place redstone dust on to activate the trap/sabotage. It's silent, and could be subtle enough. The only drawback is there might be blocks that can't collect drops without a minecart hopper beneath it? I dunno, it could work.

  3. Maybe you could light the arena with redstone lamps and then have one sabotage be to turn off all the lights like the real game with only the task ones visible? The imposters can have night vision instead for maybe a minute?

  4. Question
    What if there is two peps on one side and the rest on the other side, Red and blue are alone, then someone from the bigger group looks over and see red and blue, then suddenly the name Red is gone, that would be very obvious who killed red, Blue.
    Fix? Maybe everybody gets a splash of invisible potion so the nameplates are gone? And then use leather armor for colors?

    I dunno, there is probably another way to handle that

  5. An idea for triggering a meeting would be making a table down in the main play area and give everyone 1 lever or button at the start, when they place it and activate it it makes a piston move the block, destroying it, and triggers the enderporters up top?

  6. How about you give each crafter a button and dedicate places where they can put the button to call emergency meetings or to report a dead body? That way, the report feature won't be abused.

  7. 1st Problem: You can see nametags through the walls, which means that when a name tag suddenly disappears, he's probably venting.
    2nd Problem: You can't press buttons while sneaking which means that you can't use buttons when you are venting, also it makes sounds so when a crafter hears clicking noises right before a sabotage, he'll know there's someone in the vent and then camp it.
    3rd Problem: If a player dies to lava/fire it's items would burn instead of dropping into the hoppers, therefore, nobody would know if he died.
    4th Problem: The imposter could not kill anyone and stock up on arrows to kill a lot in one go.
    5th Problem: The crafter might get killed in a place where there are no hoppers underneath for example between the metal doors (which I'm guessing have redstone underneath) or fly into 1-block tall decorations (like the coal ore in the example map) and the imposter could accidentally pick up his items and nobody would have known someone died until another one is killed
    Solution for 1st Problem: Use invisibility potion to hide nametags at all times and use dyed leather armour and among us heads instead of player skin(Also works for 2nd Problem).
    Solution for 2nd Problem: Change buttons into pressure plates and play music in the background or just use the dropper sabotage way.
    Solution for 3rd Problem: I couldn't think of one so maybe don't use it, instead you could try tnt with water(The one Mumbo made for the capture the flag game during turf war)
    Solution for 4th Problem: Make it so that the arrows only drop after when a player is killed.
    Solution for 5th Problem: I guess try to somehow make the redstone lines power doors and other contraptions from above instead of underneath to mininum chance of item getting stuck.

    I really hope you read this
    if you read this please like this comment
    ty <3

  8. There should be a pass like thing to leave the vent which gets closed with the help of a iron trap door so the vision don’t gets blocked once you enter the vent you will need to use the pass to leave the vent by opening the trapdoor and trapdoor must be made up of iron and the pass will only be with the imposters but not with the crafters and there should be arrow stations in the vent this will prevent crafters enter the vent because they won’t be able to leave the vent, also there should be cool down to get arrows and yes they can get the pass back by stepping on pressure plate or crossing a tripwire while leaving the vent

  9. Instead of arrows being dropped, why not wooden swords on 1 durability? This way it stops imposters killing people from really far away, and removes the chance of being caught reloading.

  10. tango btw if you use /team you can do this for the crafters /team add crafters false for imposters do /team add imposters true this gets rid of the nametags but you can still see your imp teammate

  11. I would do the vents like this…. i would put it on the ground like in Among us… and impostor can simply drop down… and to get out… simple slime cannon or how its called…and i think sabotage tokens is good idea.

  12. Dead Body report idea: as you said the first one of sabotage you can totallly do that if the crafter wants to call a meeting he should go to meeting table and throw the meeting item in there
    and for the dead body u can do it like if the crafter dies their head will be detected and there u can shoot up an armor stand as an indicator for a dead body now the idear comes for the dead body report for the meeting keep a button in which the crafter has to throw their crafter pass and 1 small space shoulkd open and in it they will throw the meeting pass which the hopper will detect and there will instantly be a meeting

  13. I Got another interesting idea to that
    Since every Player has a Tag in their equipment stating Imposter or Craftsmen

    You should make the hopperline collect and sort out the amount of Craftsmen or Imposters to know If a side has won already
    Comparing the amounts and such and Teleporting everyone to the ship and firing rockets/dropping blocks or shooting blocks upwards depending on winners

    And in Combination to the Idea of Tahlia B
    You could if all are invisible and shown by armor
    make the Imposters able to switch and wear the armor of those they killed to at least win a bit of time before they realise who died and who killed when reporting(an option since reporting would show actual color)
    and if so everyone would need a stack of potions to drink anytime with the chance of giving away their spot but that would additionally hide away ghost sounds since everyone has to drink at some point or you crouch in a vent and delay it that way

    And another option instead of the Crossbow Would be the use of Axes (High Cooldown and netherite axe can Kill a player with Half hp with one swing from ground maybe)
    When using Axes You could use the Vents as place to collect sabotage tokens that are used when

    If you stay at crossbows an idea for calling sabotages would be Target Blocks near the light blocks showing the tasks done each naming what they do spread out around the areas
    shooting them activating the Sabotages it could be very easy to activate even from afar and only when you think its save and maybe the figure out the direction of it but then at the same time the sabotage would prevent firing off the meeting calls therefore since the information might be delayed people cant say for sure who it was if not everyone notices

    You could even add a Watchtower to check those lamps showing which tasks are done or where arrows are fired from without being able to see the actual players (the cams)
    As addition you could if required add additional Lamps to make the player at the Watchtower able to see if any kills happened anywhere

    And the kill lamps should only trigger off when a meeting was called and not by a time delay you could just connect that to the call meeting lines

  14. use note blocks only to report body
    (as a house rule) and emergency meeting button in main room, so if anyone is sus, imposter has some time to sabotage (when meeting button is disabled).As the person needs to travel to the main room. i know these are just your staring ideas.

  15. Some among us ideas:

    I think name tags could be way too much information for the crafters, but you could have the alive players wear dyed armor with curse of binding maybe and let everyone be invisible.
    Since particles will be off, you could have turning off the lights as a Sabatoge, and give the imposter night vision potions.
    I think vents should have locked iron doors that require an impostor token to open.
    Sabatoges could involve some use of a target block and snowballs maybe, so that impostors can activate it from a distance but the farther they are the more risk of the snowball being seen. This also lets you regulate how often sabatoges happen.
    The one thing I’m worried about with ghosts is that if they follow the impostor, they could easily block arrows from reaching their fellow living crew mates.
    I vote for piston doors rather than iron doors for the door locking sabatoge. I feel that the ability to see through iron doors is too much of an advantage for crafters.
    Also, for game ending sabatoges like the reactor, it would be cool to have everyone on the map suddenly die if the timer runs out, like the floor opening up and swallowing them or lava dispensers or something.
    I also think that the report note block should be hidden by a piston and only be revealed when an adjacent body light turns on. This way you can have a centralized “emergency meeting” button that is harder to abuse, because you still have to run for it if you see something sus
    Loving the idea so far!

  16. Well one way of sabotage which I'm sure you just forgotten about is a circuit breaker where it turns off a certain task for a limited time. And let's say you have a part where you turn off the lights it splashes each player with a potion of blindness to limit their view as they move around.


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