AMUMU REWORK 2021 Gameplay Spotlight Guide – League of Legends

AMUMU REWORK 2021 Season 11 Gameplay Spotlight Guide, huge buffs and nerfs to most abilities new double charge Q. – League of Legends. Amumu changes and old vs new comparison. 🔔K/DA AKALI COSPLAY AT 100K SUBS:

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35 thoughts on “AMUMU REWORK 2021 Gameplay Spotlight Guide – League of Legends”

  1. As an amumu main, I actually kind of like this mini rework. This gives a huge buff for early ganks but for late game clashes, it would be a slight problem since AOE stun is reduced. But overall I really like it.

  2. I've always felt the problem with Amumu is his ult. If you look at other Crowd Control champions who are allowed to be meta like Nautilus or Leona, they have some kind of drawback. Nautilus has single target CC, whereas Leona's ult has a smaller radius than Amumu's ult and also has a cast delay. Amumu's ult on the other hand is just too strong for a single button press and in its current form Riot will never allow him to be a meta champion. I would just give his ult a cast delay like Taric ult, and buff his w and e to compensate and help his early game.

  3. see, I played a LOT of AP Amumu when the old jungle items were around. Back then you had a healthier clear cause with Talisman, you could cry on raptors, Q to the red buff, and the raptors would keep coming to you, getting burned and resetting giving you a LOT of healing. But after the jg changes, you take more damage than you heal. The damage tank Amumu did in preseason was fun, but yeah, after that, he was irrelevant once again. Im glad hes getting a chance to shine

  4. I remember the days when "rework" meant "completely changing the champion's kit", and not "updating 1 ability and nerfing/buffing the rest".
    But hey, at least they've finally stopped changing Ryze.


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