Apex Cancels New Collection Event Nerfs & Buffs + Fade Coming To Apex? – Season 13

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Apex Cancels New Collection Event Nerfs & Buffs + Fade Coming To Apex? – Season 13

Thumbnail mirage: Shrugtal

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26 thoughts on “Apex Cancels New Collection Event Nerfs & Buffs + Fade Coming To Apex? – Season 13”

  1. Fade is too forgiving in Apex Mobile. Not much movement going on in that version of Apex. If Fade were to be added to PC/Console he would have to be nerfed.
    His whole kit revolves around the fact that mobile sucks so you will need abilities that would help you get out of a situation automatically.

  2. I don’t think they should nerf valk more maybe just increase her ults coolfown so it’s way rarer to use it, gibby I don’t care what they do to him, skins are great and all but I don’t have money ever so rip me, and fade is pretty cool I’d like to see him on console and pc.

  3. Fade looks like a really interesting and fun character. I'd be down to have him in the main game for sure! Also here's an idea for a Wattson skin: an electric proof type suit with a transparent bubble over her head. Electrical currents will be trapped inside making her hair float and wave a bit

  4. Why do ppl want to nerf characters so badly holy shit! In wat way would you nerf valk and gibby that wouldnt destroy their kit? Gibby was so weak for so long, just improve the other legend toolkits!

  5. Yes gibby bubble should deplete same as how it is for other defensive legends. Rampart shield, wattson fence, neecastle shield and caustic traps can be broken. Only counter to it really is crypto which doesnt get picked that much anyway.

    Only way i see valk being replaced in the meta s if another legend comes in that can reposition you as effective as valks ult.


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