Apex Legends Big Heirloom Update Is In The Works?

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Apex Legends Big Heirloom Update Is In The Works?

In today’s video I go over why a big heirloom update may be planned for the near future, as well as some reasoning as to why this would be something that respawn will want to implement. With heirloom recolors possibly coming to the game, we can see that respawn is expanding their revenue streams especially in this period of time. Hope you enjoy 🙂

Thordan’s Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8U0-eeH2A8&t=3s

The Bruddahood Discord: https://discord.gg/T74MXvqq

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26 thoughts on “Apex Legends Big Heirloom Update Is In The Works?”

  1. I love the idea of a recoler harlooms i fell like if you owen the harloom tou should pay 20 or 40 mor dallers to get cutom colles to ah e a primarey and 2 secondary coller so more m peappol feal like thay can costmaiz to ther harts content this would make respons so much money its funney

  2. I just want to know whether or not the recolour will be legend tokens or if they'll make you use heirloom shards. They really shouldn't make Heirlooms cost Apex Coins otherwise it defeats the purpose of having an heirloom

  3. Ah yes, Respawns game becomes less consumer friendly that it already is with the changes to events and price increases.

    Not all legends have Heirlooms and now they're thinking of recolours supposedly.
    Fuck this dogshit game and developers, no one should be simping for them anymore
    PS, I have 5 heirlooms collected over playtime from season 1.
    Fuck em

  4. why not swap the heirlooms to the weapon section and release skins for them .
    i don't believe that anyone would waste another 240 bucks to get the same heirloom but with different colores

  5. heirloom recolors are cool and all but heirloom finishers / emotes / character select animations / skydive emotes or maybe make it reactive like gettinf 2 kills would either change the color or add more effects to the heirloom like for wraith it would have some lighting effects or gibby would set on fire, or idk tbh

  6. Honestly if they do come out with recolors, the should be treated like the other recolor skins in the game but at a higher price. Make use of the red legend tokens! In addition to 12,000 for a new legend and recolor skin make a higher price like 100,000 legend tokens for a recolor.

  7. If respawn adds COLOR changes and not a REFUND system for heirlooms I'll stop playing their cash grab game. I recieved wraiths heirloom S1/S2 ish and Do NOT play wraith at all. Would love to just sit on some shards until my mains recieve an heirloom.

    (I got wraiths heirloom S1/S2 ish)


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