Apex Legends Crypto Heirloom Leaked With Animations

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Apex Legends Crypto Heirloom Leaked With Animations. Cryptos heirloom which will be a jikdo has been leaked and does have in game animations although it does lack texture. It also shows in the clips two upcoming additions to the game such as the energy pistol and a maelstrom lmg.

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23 thoughts on “Apex Legends Crypto Heirloom Leaked With Animations”

  1. 0:04 another thing INFINITE AMMO you can see on the weapon an infinity sign so that’s cool and two new weapons an energy pistol and another weapon that has a long name long enough that we can say it’s not in the game yet.

  2. Damn, I was kinda hoping for a Rubik’s Cube as Crypto’s heirloom, since we see him holding one in a banner and for his drone. My idea was that when you inspect the cube Crypto would attempt to solve it and in a rare chance, he actually would. But a sword is still pretty cool


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