Apex Legends Crypto Rework Coming? Season 9 Map Changes, Peacekeeper & More!

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Apex Legends Crypto Rework Coming? Season 9 Map Changes, Peacekeeper & More!

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Lifeline rework concept: https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/mrfh5a/lifeline_passive_fix_combat_revive_knockdown/

Hey guys and welcome back to another Apex Legends video! Today we have a ton of stuff to cover and look over including some huge teasers for Season 9 dropped by Apex Legends on their Twitter.

A video was posted that contained some images of the map changes we might be getting for Season 9 on Olympus. We also got to see a first hand look at Valk, who is the next legend coming out in a couple of weeks.

Developers have also mentioned how Crypto might be getting a re work to his kit if his pick rate does not improve throughout Season 9. Currently Crypto has the third lowest pick rate of any legend at 1.4%

Developers want to try and give him some small quality of life changes first, with bigger changes being saved for after.

Towards the end of this video I also go over some datamined information regarding Season 9 map changes! Thanks to Biast12 for providing this info on his Twitter.

Biast12: https://twitter.com/Biast12
Shrugtal: https://twitter.com/shrugtal
Garret Leaks: https://twitter.com/GarretLeaks

00:00 Intro
00:20 Teasers start today
00:45 Lifeline passive concept
01:39 Crypto changes coming
02:40 Crypto QOL updates
03:00 Apex teases Season 9 map changes
03:52 Possible Wraith update
04:18 Possible Peacekeeper update
04:38 Devs confirm S9 changes
05:33 Another Season 9 teaser
07:45 Olympus/Worlds Edge changes
08:30 Crypto heirloom collection event


23 thoughts on “Apex Legends Crypto Rework Coming? Season 9 Map Changes, Peacekeeper & More!”

  1. Hope you guys enjoyed today's video! Tons of teasers and other hidden stuff to cover so hopefully you found this helpful 🙂
    If you enjoy these videos please consider dropping a like! Helps the channel out a ton

  2. I hope all the crypto Stuff happen as a crypto main it makes me happy seeing he Is a bit difficult to use when u don't have a would team and is one of the worst solo legends by far

  3. A crypto passive concept:What if when he dies,he can use his drone.He can only be 150 yards away from his teammates or else it starts to disconnect.And he can only use it till his banner deactivates.Only one life on the drone,when destroyed he goes back to spectating.

  4. No one picks crypto because he’s a non-combat character, all he can do is support. He needs a combat ability, like emp w/o drone. If you don’t get good teammates you’re screwed

  5. i think they need to change Cryptop abilities into
    Passive: Aimbot
    Q:DDOs server
    Ult:Lock out players account
    it would balance it out for sure if these changes were made.

  6. It would be cool if Crypto were able to hack other legends tactical/ultimate and turn them against themselves. For example caustics traps would end up helping cryptos team after the hack instead of destroying them. With this new crypto ult idea, a campy wattson or caustic would essentially trap themselves. This would make campers a little less likely to camp knowing their own traps could be used against them. Same with rampart, her shields amplification would switch sides making her and whoever is behind them vulnerable.
    Also, if a crypto could be fast enough on the drone draw(or another drone deploy buff is given) he could cancel out ultimates like Gibby's and Bangalore's. Clearly this ultimate would have no use to work against neutral ultimates like paths or octanes so it would be used more to initiate an attack on another team. For tacticals like lifelines and Gibby's, they could just be canceled by this idea mid fight.
    Just feel this would match the hacker image of crypto. Clearly more work would be needed to not make this too op, but just food for thought.


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