Apex Legends Evolution Patch Notes (Rampart BUFF, Octane Nerf, and Tap Strafing changes)

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Apex Legends evolution patch notes and update is out! Let us breakdown all the changes for rampart getting buffed, octane nerfed, revenant nerfed, upcoming changes, news, and tap strafing adjustment coming for this patch!

Apex Legends Evolution Patch Notes: https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/news/evolution-collection-event


00:00 Apex Legends Evolution Patch Notes Introduction
00:46 Rampart Town Take Over
02:42 Rampart Heirloom Problem Solver
03:20 Apex Collection Event Skins
04:00 Rampart Buff & Legend Changes
06:10 Apex Gun Changes
09:32 Apex Quality Of Life Changes
10:53 Apex Bug Fixes
11:47 Dev Note: Tap Strafing

Today we cover apex legends patch notes, apex legends update, apex legends rampart buff, apex legends octane nerf, apex legends revenant nerf, apex legends evolution patch notes, apex rampart buff, rampart heirloom, rampart heirloom animation, apex legends rampart heirloom, apex news, apex legends news, apex legends season 10,tap strafe, patch notes, apex legends season 10 news, apex legends season 10 buffs, rampart town takeover, evolution collection event


45 thoughts on “Apex Legends Evolution Patch Notes (Rampart BUFF, Octane Nerf, and Tap Strafing changes)”

  1. Excited for the new collection event! Going to be posting lots of content to see how ramparts buff works, because I have SOOO many questions what it all means!

  2. I hope they realise that removing tap strafing is not the right way to go. Just because it's the easiest solution to the problem doesn't mean it's the best.

  3. I love that almost nobody was complaining about tap-strafing just a few weeks ago. Now it's like every controller player is complaining about having had their ankles broken by a MnK twitch streamer cranking 180°'s and dodging all of their bullets. 🙄

  4. I use shatter caps on the 3030 all the time. Got a 14 kill game 2900 damage game with it while trying to joke around with it. It’s already strong but nobody uses it

  5. incredible the devs of the game cant figure out a better way to handle tap strafing. instead they make up a terrible story of it being uncounterable and unreadable instead of removing the ability to do it off octane pad, at a certain speed after path Q or something like that

  6. I think you won't be able to tap stafe with a macro. Because, the way they removed tap strafing is by not allowing players to put in a foreword movement very quickly (in this case usually scroll wheel up).

    Edit: I also really hope the whole matchmaking delay is * only * in ranked. That would kill pubs.

  7. Im really disappointed crypto didnt get his heirloom and a buff. Ever since i played him in season 4 ive been looking forward to his heirloom and future buffs. Sadly, he has gotten next to no buffs and his heirloom has been skipped a few times. I don’t like having to wait every season for a small chance of a buff. I love his lore, design and voice lines but i feel like the devs really undermine him. Recently i’ve started playing more mobile legends like octane and wraith and they are hundreds of times more fun. Don’t get me wrong, i think rampart needed a buff too, but a crypto one is more deserved.

  8. I’m so excited cause this is my first ever event where I’m gonna get my First ever event skin and that’s gonna be the octane skin I’m not gonna buy anything else I’m just gonna buy or craft the octane skin

  9. At this point just rework revs ult his ult is not that strong and him himself is not a strong legend only when paired with octane so plz respawn rework his ult ir something I’m tired of my main getting nerfed because of another legend….

  10. I'd be really concerned if the scroll wheel is all they changed and it becomes a must at high ranks to have macros set up to be able to tap strafe. Imagine if it was a competitive necessity to have a mouse with a thumb button you can bind to a macro that spams W. That's way worse than scroll wheel tap strafes.

    Also, everyone saying Octane didn't need a nerf is outright delusional. He's the most picked legend by far, practically a must pick, is the whole reason the hated Revtane combo works even though people love to hate on Rev for it, and basically affords you immense power with little to no skill curve. The only argument I can accept to not nerf him is to buff everyone else to his power level, but that would probably be toxic as hell.

  11. That's the shit thing too right. Dudes abuse revtane and ruin revenant for the people who genuinely just like using him without revtane. Now teams see your totem? I'm a casual player but even then that just ruined him for me.

  12. Really interested to see the Rampart buffs. Also interested to see how the tap strafe is impacted. It sounds like it will still work outside of the scroll wheel.

    Octane change (one is a bug fix as far as I’m concerned) sounds good. Rev change might make him worse. Weapon changes also sound great.

    Only disappointment is no mention of Wattson.

    Also that the event is in Arena. Arena solo is one of the worst gameplay experiences in Apex and yet it keeps getting events to force playing it. I’d have preferred to see a BR mode.

  13. An entire update and no buff for wattson or crypto like I can deal with the fact wattson and crypto don’t have an heirloom but the fact this update was meant to buff the low picked characters (at least I think) why would they do nothing for the sad crypto and wattson mains

  14. I know that TSM Albralelie uses shatter caps on the 30-30. He normally hits the collar area, and the damage output is very good as a bolt action shotgun. However, the recoil is weird, and he’s good at using the weapon because of his high-level aim and probably much practice.

    Haven’t seen anyone else using it tbh. Flatline and rampage hit different.


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