Apex Legends Halloween Collection Event [ Skins, Ltm, and More]

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Apex Legends Halloween Collection Event (Skins, LTM And More) We have a ton of information for the monsters within event coming october 12th. We have the bloodhound hunter within skin, caustic synthesis chamber, gibby toxic touch, horizon cosmic hitchiker, loba victorian vixen, rev werewolf skin, valk spatial anomaly, wraith cold sweats an unnamed Seer skin, Banners for the legends along with a R-99 Skin, Hemlock Skin, and Spitfire skin. It will have 3 weeks of free prize trackers and speical badges that you will be able to unlock along with three different LTM’s that will rotate through the event.

Credit to Shrugtal and Kral Rindo for the information

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Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLwQ0RdQGFlfcrpgQlvqefg

Twitter: https://twitter.com/shrugtal
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Inferno36538

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Valhalla Discord: https://discord.gg/QMfQNWf
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thordansmash
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First Look At Tropic Island Map:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qy_1yLRzCrY&t=49s

#apexlegendscollectionevent #apexlegendshalloween #apexlegendsskins


24 thoughts on “Apex Legends Halloween Collection Event [ Skins, Ltm, and More]”

  1. This game hates me I spent 20 bucks and got 3 packs and all them were all epic like I'm so hurt they were the worst items I got the ugly lifeline pose, seers emote, and the portal charm like how I have a 50% chance for yet I get all epics

  2. I was looking forward to the Halloween skins and event BUT you have got me hyped for the new map. I’m wanting more movement based buildings like the main buildings in fragment (Capital) maybe they could add something new who knows? Maybe with a tropical island there’s a place for a camouflage legend more stealthy. So yh deffo hyped for new map 😂

  3. They really need to stop with the arenas badges, thats the only time i play arenas and its more of a chore than a fun challenge. Until that game mode gets something new its just not worth it


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