Apex Legends Has 10 Years Of New Content And Its Game Changing

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Apex Legends Has 10 Years Of New Content Planned and it looks amazing. We have everything from our normal new legends and weapons coming every season or two but new battle royal maps planned to release every year, new game modes planned to be introduced, cross progression and next gen update and even Respawn testing Titans for the future of the game!

Credit To Dataminers For File Information:
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47 thoughts on “Apex Legends Has 10 Years Of New Content And Its Game Changing”

  1. Can they just balance match making I’ve played since launch and three stack sweats will kill this game no new player will stick around if that’s all they have to play against if you three stack you should be in a lobby full of other three stacks literally killing the game at this point

  2. Hey thordan. Ino this isn’t that big of a deal but the birthright skin for valk is bugged where the when you ads her jump suit handles are flaring out and obstructing los. I just figured I’d comment cause Ino you have contacts in respawn and maybe they could look at it but as always love your videos keep up the great work

  3. Respawn has shot themselves in the foot in terms of weapons, they can’t remove any because then they would have to refund money or in game currency to players for the skins they’ve acquired for those guns, the easiest solution would be to add p20 hammers and Lstar into the care package and bringing the g7 alty back into the loot pool


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