Apex Legends Mirage BUFF Hidden in Fight Night Update (HE IS INSANE NOW)

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Thanks for watching!! In this video I cover the New #ApexLegends Mirage Buff that was Hidden in the Patch Notes Fight Night Update! SUBSCRIBE with …


26 thoughts on “Apex Legends Mirage BUFF Hidden in Fight Night Update (HE IS INSANE NOW)”

  1. My boi mirage has unlocked his true potential, sound has always been mirage's weakness, because when a mirage ults, you can echo locate his ass from a mile away, so inexperienced mirage's wouldn't know or understand how they were figured out when ulting, movement also being a part of it also, but that can be improved by the player, but the sound was something you couldn't really do much for, which is why I use grenades to substitute for the lack of footstep sounds, to then create danger for my enemies if they attack me when I ult, sethly if you read this, I really do like that you pointed out how his old ult was " bugged" also, and his decoys not having footsteps have always been a "bug" also, its funny how fixing bugs with mirage will cause a huge impact to the game, I main mirage and I always called out, his decoys need to have footstep sounds because using his tactical wouldn't really fool people because they didn't even hear the decoy running near them, from the other sode of their cover, so this change, so finding out it was a bug really shows, that the devs didn't intend for mirage to figured out so easily with sounds, he can still be found out if the mirage player heals,climb, and has visual effects on his character, but footsteps weren't meant to be one, this change is going to make mirage a beast, with decoys footsteps making sound, it applys more pressure to his enemies, pressure is what makes mirage's decoy more dangerous, because an unsure and confused player is a dead one, and with this, he will destroy the meta, ohhhh I'm excited for this patch!

  2. All i wanted this season was for the Scout's bullet velocity to increase, the Alternator to get +1 damage and for the Volt to get -1 damage and we got none of those 🙁

  3. Bruh i am a mirage main they tryd to hide that buff under bug fixes
    As a mirage main my decoys never made footstep sound not even in his season 0-5 stage they try to make you think its a bug fix but at the end ppl who dont know mirage well got bamboozled


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