Apex Legends New Changes To Public Matches!

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Apex Legends New Changes To Public Matches!

In today’s video I go over some changes that are likely to be made to public matches in apex, and these changes could possible come very soon. With a new match abandonment penalty in pubs, do you think this will create an overall positive impact? In my opinion this is respawn taking steps to create an overall better playing environment for us, so hopefully they continue adding features like this in the future. Hope you enjoy 🙂

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38 thoughts on “Apex Legends New Changes To Public Matches!”

  1. If you hot drop into fragment. I will leave the second my feet touch the ground.penalty or not. I can just ALT-TAB out and play another FREE game for a few min. After 3000+ matches played 99 times out of 100 the people that hot drop into fragment don't know what they are doing, and are to impatient to actually win the match so there is no point in sticking around.

  2. Maybe make it so you have to comment a reason on why you left the lobby and make it able for the players that get left behind in the match to complain about the leaver, then, if they do the reason and the game gets reviewed, basically a report in which you give your statement upfront which then can be used to review the game

  3. This is really going to slow the rate at which I get Into gunfights.in other words I’ll get less experience. That’ll suck. I want to get straight into the fight. Obviously not wrecklessly but quickly and confidently. Unless we still have solo q then I don’t mind

  4. (@video intro) bruh I still have so many teammates instantly disconnecting when they get downed or even take 100 damage on drop. I actually don’t understand, are people getting around the penalty??? I have a 10 minute penalty warning for pubs

  5. I think the goal here is, With this move, they will be able to draw a more concise line between the skill gaps. Players In the upper middle will remove themselves, and the mega sweats will allocate more time to ranked. This is definitely a move for the casual player base.

  6. I honeslty prefer players getting temp banned/suspended for leaving before they're even knocked or land. If teammates are trash talking, mute them. If you REALLY want to leave, knock yourself or jump outta the map. I want this because I refer to the Wraith players who disconnect instantly when they can't find a wingman, mastiff, or r99 or when you don't drop at hotzone. I play a lot and encounter a lot of these players. It's so bad that I rarely get rezzed by a Wraith to begin with because they're already knocked and out of the lobby by the time I go down.

    Leaving 0.5 seconds after being knocked should be penalized as well. I don't think it's right to apply the same ranked system to pubs, which is why I think you should at least be forced to wait 10-20 seconds after being knocked to disconnected without any risk. Insta leaving is what should be eliminated, not leaving in general. Sometimes you really don't want to stick around in a pubs match because something comes up. But ragequitting in a BR game is a huge problem that just dooms your team most of the time.

  7. I honestly stopped caring for my teammates.
    I’ll have a 4k dmg 20 bomb wraith and she only does 64 dmg then dies while enemy wraith drops all 3 of us and goes on to kill the rest of fragment & there’s those teammates that get dropped right away and proceed to talk shit to you.
    I don’t even bother getting people up anymore like that.

  8. if they do this they gotta update their out of date ancient respawn system. most people i know that leave is cuz its WAY faster just to get into another game and hot drop than it is to wait for a teammate to pick up a banner and find a place to res without getting 6-7-8th partied. respawning isnt worth it anymore in apex at a high level. the respawn devs are stupid for implementing this first.

  9. It won't be a leavers penalty per say. Right now it doesn't count as a death when you leave the game before you die. So they're gonna make it so that when the sweaty wraith leaves the second she gets shot at, it will count as an actual death and her kdr goes down.

    Literally the only change I want to pubs is for them to take out sbmm. It absolutely ruins the vibe. I'm not even that good, I have a 1.5 kd and not even an exaggeration, I get preds and/ or masters in every single game. Just take that crap out and I'll be happy

  10. Definitely add solo q teams play with and against solo q teams for ranked and pubs. I also feel that if Im a third and the other two players are in a pre-made there tends to be more toxicity since two players (whom are friends) will always judge that one 3rd. If possible it would be nice to have two separate ranks with a premades teams and solo teams.

  11. it does and doesnt exist in ranked, a ton of people just Alt F4 and it counts as a "disconnected" not as a quit the match. What they need to do is add a penalty to those who close the game and keep trying to rejoin to just quit once again, until their match is over. I've personally grabbed someone's badge who wanted to quit and told me to not retrieve his banner, since he wanted to stream snipe some twitch guy and was sad he didnt end up in the same stream as who they wanted.
    so when i respawned him he ran into the storm and died, then closed the game, i grabbed it again held onto it till i seen him log back on, respawned him and by this point of time it was round 4 and he killed himself again, getting angry that we wont let him just "time out"

  12. Nah. Fuck those 8 year olds I get paired up with. They are worthless and shouldn't be in my level of lobbies. Let me leave when I want to. If this is added it will be the death of the game.

  13. I’m going to be honest, I leave matches, I’m pretty sure most people do. I only do it because I see that the champions are 4K, 20 bomb, master ranked players in a three stack destroying lobbies while I’m here solo cueing and trying to have fun, not sweat until I smell like I’ve not showered in 20 days. If they simply improved the matchmaking and made the game more fair so it feels like you have a chance then maybe people would be more like “res me we can win this” rather than “wow I got beamed by a squad of three and pushed with pk’s all coordinated”

  14. Maybe the solution is easier than it seems . If they add Solo mode everyone will be happier. Beginners like me ,will still be food for others and the Predators will stop cursing at the bad teammates :))

  15. I don’t agree with this in pubs cuz that’s where people go to play casually and it should be allowed to back out if you have to leave for whatever reason. Sadly pubs are just as sweaty as ranked now so respawn sees it as another mode that should be taken more seriously than it should be.


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