Apex Legends New Content And Skin Scam Controversy

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Apex Legends Frustration Over New Content And Skins as many players and notable members of the community have begun to voice their opinion on the lack of new LTMs and ways to play the game while store prices and skins continue to be the main focus of the game. With legendary skins being stuck behind gambling systems and no word from Respawn or EA about future content it has a lot of people wondering about the priorities of the game moving forward.

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48 thoughts on “Apex Legends New Content And Skin Scam Controversy”

  1. Sadly It's unimaginable that they would ever add LTMs that rotate every couple of weeks. They certainly used to be a lot more frequent… I remember when the only mode was trios lol. I'll take any new additions at this point, shoot, they could just make an arenas mode with unlimited respawns and that's TDM right there, it doesn't seem that hard…

  2. Sorry, but clever people wont ever ask EA to help them to promote game and provide their servers… EA is literally scam company from every single point of view… Titanfall was made from passion.. Apex is made for money.. there is simply no content and I believe, that team of 10 devs, 2 designers could lead this game much better, then their useless company they are right now.

  3. I remember season 4 and apex had that feeling for me when I played, listening to the og music. It was exciting to play I guess but that feeling is no more. But I still love the game and will keep playing it but the content is really dry

  4. Yeh u r right, apex getting shit day by day their server lag issues and so many bugs rn. But still i love it and play it for fun, can't play ranked cuz lag issue appears most of the time and i love rp bcuz i cant even take loot properly nor can shoot.


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