Apex Legends New Support & Defensive Legends + Abilities

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Apex Legends New Support & Defensive Legends + Abilities

In today’s video I go over some leaked support and defense legends as well as what their leaked abilities are. While we don’t have any confirmation on when these legends may be added to the game, and we aren’t sure on whether or not their abilities will be changed, it is still interesting to see what respawn has planned for the future. Hopefully we get a support legend soon as this is something the game is lacking at the moment. Hope you enjoy 🙂

Credit Section:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/kralrindo
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/KralRindo

Twitter: https://twitter.com/GarretLeaks
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/garretdyel/videos

Footage Sources:
Montagne Rainbow Six Siege Footage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IMpBt4djS4A

Shield Health Logo: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/gJAA1G
Health Arrow Logo: https://www.reddit.com/r/apexconcepts/comments/gxjmd3/supporthealer_legend_concept/
Health Radius Logo: https://www.dexerto.com/apex-legends/apex-legends-character-idea-would-be-the-ultimate-support-legend-1362739/

The Bruddahood Discord: https://discord.gg/sVZFmMYf

Health Bar Overlay Made By Cobalt: Coba1t # 8904


24 thoughts on “Apex Legends New Support & Defensive Legends + Abilities”

  1. One of the biggest mistakes they ever made was not putting james McCormick in the game, that would have been amazing, especially for him being a big guy it would have given us a 3rd big legend and we need more of those

  2. “Otherwise you can just pop a pheonix kit”

    While you’re fighting? While you’re reviving? While you’re running? No, his ultimate is not useless its perfect

  3. And another thing in titanfall 2 the Pilots have same abilities like some the Legends

    A-wall=rampart but better

    Now we have only 2 Legends that has the same abilities tracker that throws kuknife that has a pulse and you can kill people with it but it's very hard to do it and the 2ed Legend we going to be in the future is cloaker that can turn invisible

  4. I would love to see a pilot character that has for a passive a doble jump similar to the one in octanes pad but with a cooldoen so its not over used and the other abilities im not very sure but the aesthetic of the pilots its what ill be most hype for

  5. no tea no shade, but why are octane players so unnecessarily toxic to their teammates in chat? they especially love doing it when they're zooming into a 1v6 with 25hp then complained when they get beamed by 4 different enemies at once when their other two teams arent movement champs.
    like wraith players do some dumb shit and say some dumb stuff, but they mostly keep to themselves or disconnects the second they go down. like we're not playing for esports, we're not even playing in ranked. what is with the attitude?

  6. imagine if, for the Immortal passive instead of bleeding out, you have a timer until your back up if they don't finish you. The gold knockdown shield would still be useful to have for the quicker self revive unless they remove that.


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