Apex Legends New Update Brings More Controversy

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Apex Legends New Update Brings More Controversy

In today’s video I go over how people have differing opinions when it comes to a possible matchmaking change which could be implimented in the future. Whether or not this will be added in season 12 or 13 it is not confirmed at the moment. This change brings with it a penalty for leaving the match, and in this case it is applicable in pubs. The change brings with it many ups and downs, and so respawn will have to be careful with the way they introduce this into the game. Hope you enjoy 🙂

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46 thoughts on “Apex Legends New Update Brings More Controversy”

  1. I think that you should not be able to leave until your death box runs out or it’s on the 5th ring or after 1 minute of your teammates having your baner because at that point there probably not rezzing you

  2. They should just disable fill for those ppl who leave the match early a bunch. This way if they want a full team they need to have a premade lobby.

  3. i dont like this idea at all cus i have internet instability and the servers are trash wont allow me to reconnect cus i get code shoe… I already have enough losing double RP cost in ranked after getting to top 2 with max KP and then lose a ton of effort and on top of that lose double and 10 min ban… it would simply make me quit apex if this also happens in pubs

  4. Imo simply bc "I want too" is a justifiable reason to leave at any moment in a public game. My time is valuable to me, I work a full time job, and I'm not gonna waste valuable time waiting for a respawn when I could get into a new game at a fraction of that time. The second they force me to stay in pubs I'll likely play something else.

  5. Swear I hate PC apex players. They all seem like hackers, cheaters and cringey af. This better not be true tho. It’s just gonna drive people back away from Apex honestly. Respawn always fuckin up something good.

  6. My 1.1KD self is in yet another triple stack Pred lobby and my team mates are showing zero situational awareness, do I really have to spectate them for 5min whilst they walk in circles trying to lick their own ear?

    Personally I'm inclined to ditch the moment a team mate passes drop leader in a purple and red dive trail lobby, if they can't handle drop master they can't handle 20 bomb 4k enemies.

    Fixing matchmaking would seriously reduce the insta-quit mentality.

  7. Ngl the whole thing is stupid even though I don’t leave immediately. I rather them leave and me win then I send them screenshots of me getting the win that’s the best penalty imo

  8. Gotta agree in general.
    Though I do understand the "casual is casual so it should be allowed" case, The end result IS that the player is ruining someone's match by leaving, so they should be penalized in som way.
    One addition I would make is to have a condition to when it counts as leaving.
    Namely that it should not count as leaving if you did not manage to get to the legend select screen, since that seems like the place most people get DCed from server or client side issues. If you saw the pick order or saw someone pick a certain legend and leave, you should be counted as leaving.
    Added to that, leaving a match should ALWAYS count as a death. (Unless the former applies)
    While it is true that you could crash or glitch out and die, it would be unreasonable to allow for these exploitative behaviors just so we can allow for cases where it crashes and such.
    Respawn should try and fix these issues the best they can of-course, but the presence of these technical issues should not be a reason to allow such behavior.

  9. yeahthat whole event with bloodhound, I just queued solo. Had several times where it was a bunch of bloodhounds just running through the area empty handed and once we all got the story bits done we'd melee the crap out of each other.

    Even saw a couple squads land with us and kinda bodyguard. protect us as we ran through. I think most players did ignore the bloodhound pack running by.

    As far as finished or knocked, I think the penalty system in ranked is mostly the same. not 100%, but I believe there's no penalty if you're dead and your banner timed out.

  10. Its not good i mean if you play in trio and then you die and your team is long way before you so i want to leave this is why i got ban for 7 days for being toxic to my team bc i was angry that pepole loot all match

  11. I'm totally against this penalty system in pubs. It's not worth anything, so there shouldn't be any punishment other than counting the "quit" as death. I don't have time to watch a shitty teammate lose a fight against a Low enemy. I can only play Apex for around 2 hours a day, because of job. In Ranked is a whole different story, it should have every kind of punishment possible, now Pubs??? Hell nah.

  12. This is so easily compromisable rather than having it one way or the other. Make it so you can leave a certain amount of times without penalty in a set timeframe that resets the chosen amount in pubs, and if you go over the chosen amount you get a 10 minute penalty before it restarts the count again. It's not the end of the world to wait 10 minutes because you compromised 5 (chosen amount for arguments sake) matches by leaving, whether it was your intention or not. Regardless if it's pubs, you're having a direct impact on your teammates time and effort put into that match. It's even more impactful in a BR that can go 20+ minutes. You'd be able to disconnect without penalty or using your allowed disconnects if your respawn times out too.

    Sure, you get kicked maybe 1-3 times at the start of a season (although that's improved throughout the seasons), but the rest is you. You often get put back into matches if it was a kick regardless. Anyways, if you have toxic players, mute them and stop acting like the option doesn't exist. Even with extremely verbally toxic players, I haven't had any grief in-game or purposely throw in the 300 hours I've accumulated throughout various times (9am-4am) with people of different languages and parts of the world. Only had one tryhard TTV Wraith in those 300 hours that went to fragment on their own in pubs to then dc when they surprisingly can't 1v6. This is what a lack of penalization promotes, doing whatever you want without worry. If you want to do stuff like this, solo queue.

    Being in a team with a hacker is also extremely rare, so to justify having 0 penalty with this reason is poor argumentation, and with the system I propose you'd still have the option.

    Just loading up into a match can take 3-5 minutes (more in other regions). People defending no system in pubs are choosing to continue turning a blind eye to the penalization of players that did nothing wrong just because they want to rush in, die, and quit. No, that's not the right thing here, it's the selfish and entitled choice.

    It's better to punish 1 than 2. Punish the leaver so the other 2 remaining players aren't left having essentially wasted 5-10+ mins in the match.

    Even irl, you respect your teammates and the opposing team in matches for fun. You don't just rage quit because you're losing or don't think your team can pull it off.

  13. The big reason is for the bot lobby you seen more bronzes in predator lobbies. Even though you should be able to so your skill gets higher by I don't know playing against better lobbies. They Need to add a suicide countdown increase for deathboxs for the toxic players that will have you hostage.

  14. I disagree with the argument regarding quick/casual play. The vast majority of players I would wager play quick play and not ranked. When teammates leaving happens more often, especially in quick play, this can ruin the experience for a vast majority of players thereby hurting the playerbase as some players (especially newer ones) simply will not bother anymore.

    Just look at Rogue Company, that game has several issues for sure, but teammates leaving has been an issue from the start and, anecdotally, this has caused the player base to drop to the point that the game is pretty insignificant in the grand scheme of things.

  15. Horrible idea. My friend plays with my all the time and gets kicked out of the game or apex crashes pretty often. If he isn't able to get back in the lobby, he gets a penalty? No. People leaving ruins the game, but pubs is pubs. You just learn to live with this behavior.

  16. Really. I think too many penalties focused on leaving is gonna make the game too frustrating. What if somebody is having an off day and is just trying to get to the next game and the next game with as little delay as possible. Usually when people are down and they leave immediately I tend to understand especially when they're miles away from the team. With these huge maps coming out. Fights happening less and less. People just wanna get on with their day sometimes. Ranked is a different story though. You should be ready for whatever it entails


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