Apex Legends Nintendo Switch Release Everything To Know

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Covering the Apex Legends Nintendo Switch Release date, Gameplay Review, Download Size, Chaos Theory Event, Double Xp, Exploit for Legendary Skins, Pathfinder Legendary Skin, Is it Free and do you need Nintendo Online, the Micro SD Card, Apex Legends Pro Controller, how it will work in Crossplay Lobbies and do we get Cross Progression, Gyro Aiming, how to Unlock Legends and the Champions Edition, the 30 free battle pass levels and the cost of the battle pass and will the game run on Switch Lite. We cover everything we have learned in this one video!

Exploit Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xEo4PjnpS4E&feature=youtu.be

Open Lobbies Monday-Sunday I’ll play with any console or pc and any skill level so feel free to jump in and join me for some games!


Valhalla Discord: https://discord.gg/QMfQNWf

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thordansmash


31 thoughts on “Apex Legends Nintendo Switch Release Everything To Know”

  1. @ThordanSmash i am really hyped for this, i had got a micro SD card for my B day and now i finally can play apex (a game that i wanted to play for a long time) it would be great if u can add me as a friend if thats possuble (IDK how apex works) but ya thats it 🙂

  2. Would we have an option to disable cross play? Me and my friends have switches but we don't want our a$$'s handed to ourselves by the consoles (60fps) and PC users (120fps)

  3. The Legendary skin was announced on day 3 being Pathfinder w/more of the race skin he had n the past it’s red & white of course b/c of Nintendo. I’m sure you’ve seen it by now but it was released n the patch notes on day 2.

  4. DUDE THANK YOU SO MUCH. Ive been training my aim on a trash laptop with roblox as my best fps trainer. Now i can get better at control or maybe connect the HDMI to a monitor! THX SO MUCH!


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