Apex Legends Pick Rates Upcoming Buffs + Nerfs Season 11

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Apex Legends Pick Rates Upcoming Buffs + Nerfs Season 11 is a hot topic for the patch update coming soon. With the pickrates we have Ash on top as expected and Crypto at the bottom which should have an impact on the changes that devs have discussed which will also include Gibby and Pathfinder in this video with Ash and Crypto as the main focus.

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34 thoughts on “Apex Legends Pick Rates Upcoming Buffs + Nerfs Season 11”

  1. i was a crypto main since S3 until Valk came out. She's not that great with tracking but 100% my playstyle. And speaking of nerfs and buffs, i want S8 Revenant back. they nerfed his Ult to useless….

  2. It would be really nice to see a buff or rework towards Lifeline, as i feel that she has lost her title as "Combat Medic". It could be awesome if they changed her ult to the one seen in the limited event mode, dummies big day i believe? where she could instantly heal in a surrounding area?

  3. The large gibby bubble was a bug. Devs are doing tests such as adding durability/HP to the gibby bubble. I have no idea why you think Ash is similar to Loba. Yea idk about this video man, I wish i just looked up a picture of the pick rates instead

  4. Telling your drone to go as crypto would suck balls. That means it flies in a strait line and very predictable to shoot if it’s using emp. Problem with crypto is he can either be useless or very opressive with emp. Emp is a team winning ult as it gives your team a definitive advantage in team fight by 150 hp. That’s why they balance the ability with a long cd and a paper flimsy drone. If they rework emp and make it so the drone has like 2-3x more hp, the ping and move drone system would be a good rework. But emp definitely needs to be reworked.

  5. Bruh the fix for crypto should be, double tap tactical to quickuse drone sending out at a 45degree angle upward up (to an appropriate height)and aim it down. All on the fly.
    Autonomous and how a player would use it.

  6. Pathfinder passive should just give him old zipline mechanics, I know you’ll say it’s op or whatever but if it’s one legend per team then I don’t see the problem, imagine faide being able to hop up the ziplines in worlds edge infinitely😂


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