Apex Legends Possible Changes To Dive Trails + Why They Aren't Permanent

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Apex Legends Possible Changes To Dive Trails + Why They Aren’t Permanent

In today’s video I go over the possible reasonings as to why dive trails aren’t permanent in apex in ranked rewards, and I also go over some ideas or suggestions which can follow along with these reasons but also benefit the players in the long run. Let me know what you guys think about these ideas, and please do comment if you have ideas of your own! Hope you enjoy 🙂

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46 thoughts on “Apex Legends Possible Changes To Dive Trails + Why They Aren't Permanent”

  1. They could outright just give different dive trails or a creation menu to people who get them they can have the same particle effect but you shouldn't be allowed to have that particular blue, purple or red because you're no longer ranked, but allowing other colors would be a fine way to show that these people were diamond masters or preds at some point.

    Ranked gives such small rewards for reaching high positions, I grinded the hell out of this first split for masters but couldn't get beyond diamond and I would like another reward besides the blue trail (That I'm not even gonna get till season 12 btw).

  2. Wow… Dive trail is not even perma.. also the dive trail is rotating from time to time.. not even gonna make new trail.. season last almost 4 months bruh.. respawn/EA never fail to disappoint me 😌😌

  3. that basically ties back to rank reset, imagine seeing someone with a pred dive trail in a gold lobby. That wouldnt seem right at all if a former pred can keep their pred dive trail and get their rank reset til it hits gold

    if players want to keep their dive trails, then rank reset should be removed entirely

    But there also going to be players complaining about there being no rank reset and dont want to play ranks anymore just because they reach said masters or diamond or pred and would prefer to start over again and again

  4. The argument ends when you factor that us masters and preds are in the 0.2% top player base. What actual difference is it if we keep trails if that number increases every season? It's so minuscule. At the very least let us keep the trail for a full 3 seasons before it rotates back

  5. Disagree about you comparing dive trails to a trophy. The reward equivalent to a trophy are the gun charms and banner badges. They let you keep those but the dive trails show that you earned the rank from the last season signifying in game who to watch out for and be weary of.

  6. Limited time dive trails was a bad move, I don’t even equip my diamond trail because I can’t keep track of when it will go away. I think a better move would have been to just make something else season rewards (cough, weapon skins) rather than just recycling dive trails. I understand it’s a money thing again, they don’t wanna pay a designer to make new skins for every season, but it would make ranked more worth grinding than a dive trail honestly.

  7. Tbh I can't agree at all. Another reason for why Divetrails only last one season is because otherwise they would lose value. Eventually every somewhat decent player would have a trail and the Trail would get completely devalued. In THAT situation I would indeed say that the Ranked Grind is basically worthless cause the trail means nothing.
    But with a Trail that only lasts one Season everyone knows that it was a very recent achievement. Plus you don't just have the Trail, you also get the Badge. They could make the upper ones fancier tho. We COULD go for Master but tbh I wouldn't want to. Why? I just like this cool blue the most. But if Master Trails were more fancy then yeeeaahhh maybe?

  8. I'm surprised they haven't monetized the dive trails. You know, make custom trails for each legend, that way you're not endlessly chased for having a purple colored electric trail. Respawn is all about that dolla dolla bill ya'll.

  9. I'd really like to see a change for the dive trails. In my opinion the ranked rewards without the dive trails are not worth the tens or hundreds of hours you have to spend for grinding. The badge is fine but not really special and the gun charm … nah, just nah, definitely not worth it. The dive trail always was the one thing everyone was grinding ranked for and I hit masters only one time cause I had a lot of time in that season. Now I'm working full time and don't have the time for a serious grind anymore. And now the trail's just gone.

    I would rather prefer this solution: The only effect of hitting a rank in both splits is just the difference between a normal ranked badge and an animated one. Why can't it work like that for the trails as well: When you hit diamond, masters or pred in one split you'll receive the trail for only one season, but when you hit that rank in both splits you'll get it unlocked permanently. So the players can get their favourite trail and they have a possibility to keep it forever as long as they have the skill and time to grind and keeping dive trails in master and predator will still be pretty hard cause you have to achieve the rank twice.

  10. Player retention is what I have to say, this will not change. I have a permanent one so I don’t really care but I do feel like it is kinda unfair. But again player retention.

  11. I really don't think this is an issue and making it last longer than a season seems like it would disincentivize players to keep playing ranked throughout the year. The fewer people in ranked, the easier it probably is to rank up reducing the prestige of it anyway. There are so many other things I would prefer respawn spent their time working on than this.

  12. You do relize that your idea of the dive trails lasting for 3 or 4 seasons was already in the game up until 2 weeks ago. Resopn is never gong to make the trails permanent or last many seans because this would require them to make more trails and they've make it clear to use that they are lazy when it come to making new cosmetics.

  13. A few others have said it too but, If you're a diamond player it shouldn't be too hard to hit that same level again and keeping dive trails longer than a season is going to pull players who grind solely for the trail from playing ranked as often… less players means more chances of winning and hitting higher ranks. All in all I feel like this isn't an issue for most and I'd rather have the badge personally anyway.


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