Apex Legends Respawn Is Working On Adding Titans To Apex!

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Apex Legends Respawn Is Working On Adding Titans To Apex!

In today’s video I go over respawn wanting to introduce titans into the game, and how the titnas may actually be implemented once they are actually introduced. This may all tie into the possible future legend Blisk’s abilities, and so I give my own analysis of what his ultimate may be as well (calling in a titan). Hope you enjoy 🙂

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21 thoughts on “Apex Legends Respawn Is Working On Adding Titans To Apex!”

  1. Just a thought, but having the titan continually spray and prey would become annoying as you wouldn’t be able to gauge where enemy footsteps and other audio is coming from. Although the audio works 50% of the time lol edit: also maybe instead of an offensive titan it’s more defensive. Will catch bullets shot at you depending on which way it’s facing, scan enemies, or projectile defense similar to Wattson ult.

  2. Nope. Titans need to be an LTM where Blisk takes over the games and Titans drop instead of Care Packages or replicators. A map indicator and timer will go off during the match to show that a new titan is ready for Titanfall, and remaining teams will need to rush to it for highest tier loot.
    They should be PVE mid bosses

  3. I think they could make a really cool map element like vaults or marvns where there are a bunch of half destroyed Chasis with their covers blown open and you can find batterys and plug them into the titan to temporarily have acess to their arms and weapon systems. And if the chasis is blown open sniping someone out inside a titan straight up Viper style wouldn't be too hard.

  4. Titans really just don't work in Apex imo. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see it and maybe for Blisk it could work as an Ulti but honestly it'd be a balancing nightmare. How would legends even be able to deal with a 10ft tall death machine without Respawn having to nerf them heavily. They really just need to make TF3 if they want to play with Titans again

  5. might be similiar to trident, but special model for apex. just imagine trident but with turret
    or, titan call survival kit, that consume your ultimate at full charged in exchange having titan call down like lifeline package, or the survival kit itself have charge time and game care package drop
    as rare as kraber

  6. at this point just make a new titanfall game, why are you constantly pumping out content from titanfall into apex? if titanfall is something asked enough for it to be in apex, why not make a new game?


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