Apex Legends The Best Legend/Character Concepts #3

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Apex Legends The Best Legend Concepts #3

What’s up guys and welcome back to another Apex Legends video! Today I am going to be showing you guys the best fan made legends for Apex! Links to all of the artists pages are below! Make sure you check them out after you are done watching this video 🙂

Pyra/Rendezvous: https://www.instagram.com/paulcjv/
Toombs: https://www.instagram.com/xeppeling/
Skadi: https://www.reddit.com/user/DudeWithName
Bumpaw: Spiral_Joe (Can’t find any of his original social media pages)
Reforge: https://www.deviantart.com/wolfdog-artcorner
Shroud: https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/axlgsp/i_tried_designing_4_apex_legends_given_the_slim/

00:00 Intro
00:26 Pyra
01:48: Toombs
02:59 Skadi
04:18 Bumpaw
05:54 Reforge
07:10 Rendezvous
08:24 Shroud


30 thoughts on “Apex Legends The Best Legend/Character Concepts #3”

  1. Not sure why the video is only playing at 360p I think YouTube is just taking its sweet time processing this one lol. Link to all of the artists are below!
    Let me know if you guys want me to continue doing this series in the future!

    Pyra/Rendezvous: https://www.instagram.com/paulcjv/

    Toombs: https://www.instagram.com/xeppeling/

    Skadi: https://www.reddit.com/user/DudeWithName

    Bumpaw: Spiral_Joe (Can't find any of his original social media pages)

    Reforge: https://www.deviantart.com/wolfdog-ar

    Shroud: https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/...

  2. i think that pyra’s tacticle is kinda usless… maybe that could be her passive and maybe her ult is like caustic but with fire.

    idk what her “new tacticle” could be… pls help

    ALSO… the sound in apex is already kinda wierd so messing with it doesn’t really do anything

  3. We get no love for scout and support legends. There are 6 asault, 4 defence, 3 scouts and 2 support. And even then path feels more suited for aggressive asaults. And according to the leaks we are getting 4 more asault legends, 2 scouts and just 1 support.

  4. My legend Concept 👋😄



    •[Passive] Still In Touch: Lets him highlight the eliminated/dead legend's allies using it's deathbox for a moment if the timer of the banner hasn't yet expires or haven't yet picked up the by the eliminated legend's allies.

    •[Tactical] Bug: Fling a small bot that will carry on forward after landing and bumps to objects to change course, Bug has a 360° sight and will chase down the nearest enemy within it's 15m radius and will shock, slow, highlighted, and "DETACHED" the enemy from it's team.

    •[Ultimate] Frequency Overload: Flings a box that will open after a brief moment when it hits the ground that will interrupts the enemies communication and radar device causing them to be "DETACHED" from their team within 50m radius, you and your allies cannot be "DETACHED" by your own Ultimate.("All" Legends are deafened by the high pitch noise made by the frequency overload/ultimate within it's 10m radius.)

    》Detached《: legend can't contact allies, therefore pings, scans/tracks/highlights, team's map indicator, team vision/team's outline, and health information are not visible. team vision/team's outline and team's map indicator can be visible if you or ally are in each others field of view.(Compass, map, and mini map are also disabled.)

  5. I have Opinion on Bunpaw:
    Passive: The Punch damage deals 40 damage and push enemy farther
    Tactical: the run will be like a dog and the speed got increased 2x faster than normal speed
    Ultimate: Slam paw,the slam paw need charge if you want to damage increase. Charge 1: 20 damage Charge 2: 40 damage Charge 3:80 damage, if u charge 3 you can high jump then slam,higher than charge 1 or charge 2,the slam area will be same as loba but reduced 20%

  6. Audio distortion would be a great addition to the game… $500 or less cost headsets or any kind of that matter all would still be deafened no matter how good your headset is, the effect is part of it…

  7. Pyra is literally a female version of an already planned legend, the abilities and “fire enthusiast” are the same as an already planned character

  8. Check out my Fan made Legend👇❤

    Spectre (Transparent Assailant)

    >Low Profile Legend<

    •[Passive] Rest And Haste: Crouch Walking or Standing still for 4 second will grant you 30% movement speed for 2 second on your next sprint.

    •[Tactical] Blend In: Turn yourself Camouflage/Nearly Invisible for 15 seconds and will reduce the sound of your movement (Can cast Camouflage while healing or reviving allies),(Blend in will be cancelled if you attack or get damaged by 50 hp),(If you take Damage while camouflage the effect will distort).

    Tactical's Cooldown: [25]seconds.

    •[Ultimate] Shroud: Throws a disc, which upon landing projects a cylindrical concealment screen around it. Shroud conceals all players inside from the out side. (The Screen will distort if bullets, abilities, or player go in or out of the screen causing it to be visible for a brief moment),(players near 5 meter from the outside of the ultimate will be able to see the Shroud),(players inside can see through outside, while players outside can only see the terrain),(you and your allies can see the outline of your ultimate).

    Ultimate's Cooldown: [180] seconds
    Ultimate's Duration: [20]seconds
    Ultimate's Radius: [6]m
    Ultimate's Height: [4]m

  9. toombs' Ulti is a really good concept, it would be made better if the attachments & bullets that it picks up ONLY apply to the gun that youre holding. it would be kinda broken if 1 ulti maxed 2 guns.

  10. Savage
    Height: 5'3"
    Passive: Tough Nut: Savage does not have the low profile effect, despite being a similar size to Wraith.
    Tactical: Survivalist: Savage can barricade doors(They become similar vault doors). With permission her teammates can unlock them as well.
    Ultimate: Last Resort: Savage equips a smart pistol with a total of 18 shots, with 6 per mag.

    Height: 6'2"
    Passive: Athlete: Permanent 5% speed boost.
    Tactical: Fastball: Throw a disc that follows targets(homing). Deals 10 damage IF it hits and marks the target for 3 seconds. Can be shot down with skill.
    Ultimate: Take 2: Time is reversed by 15 seconds. All shots, heals, downs, EVERYTHING is undone.

  11. Here I had this one legend idea that I was gonna make an oc but i'll describe it here if anyone is interested:
    Passive: "Cold Blooded"
    Immune to digital threat sights, and can't be highlighted by them.

    Tactical: "Movement taming"
    For 12 seconds, she will be able to move freely without making any noise, running, walking, and crouching.

    Ultimate: "Hidden from all eyes"
    Makes her invisible from all position reveals, so bloodhound scanning, crypto drone detection, mirage pinging, and immune to Crypto's EMP blast.

  12. I dont feel like the shroud one would be to bad if it reduced the amount of damage done you the body or the stacks decayed over a realativly short period of time? It would let you pop off them boom youd have to restock its helpful for fighting 1v3s but letting them have stacked 10% damage on body shots with any weapon in the game permanently would just be completely unfair especially for gibby whod probably get dropped again if this character got made


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