Apex Legends Wraith Ability Buff Situation + Cosmetics & Skins Lost

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Apex Legends Wraith Ability Buff Situation + Cosmetics & Skins Lost
This new apex legends videos covers where are the wraith buffs that got talked about for her abilities, apex legends wraith buffs aswell as a new bug causing cometics and skins to get lost and wiped from accounts, apex legends cosmetics lost, apex legends skins lost, apex legends wraith buff, apex legends ability buff, wraith apex legends, apex wraith buff this video covers questions like “when will wraith get buffed” “where is the wraith ability buff” “will wraith get power back to her abilities”
#ApexLegends #ApexWraith #Apex
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28 thoughts on “Apex Legends Wraith Ability Buff Situation + Cosmetics & Skins Lost”

  1. The reality Writer is not overrated legend but people just love her to play that's why stupid respawn thinking she is the most overrated legend and they destroyed her 😡😡😡

  2. NGL the player base is so toxic right now, When a respawn wants to nerf their favourite legend because they’re over performing they’ll say “respawn looks at statistics too often” but when caustic is that legend needing a nerf and people try to defend him in the same way people just shout “he has the highest win rate in games over 20 mins” or “he’s picked in every ALGS team” like that’s never stopped you from asking about wraith or wattson buffs when they were in that same position for the longest time

    Caustic is the exception, I’ll always say that

  3. That 8 month dude should just tell them his two mains and EA/Respawn should give him everything there is to unlock on those two legends. Or something to that extent. Being forced to wait and hope for the best succ.

  4. I can see the buff coming cause me and my friend see wraith as unplayable because now you really do die before you can either phase or attempt to get away, like you can really feel it when you get shot at

  5. Everyone is talking about wraiths tactical and hit box but what they need to be talking about is her passive that shit is dog-water I’ll half way into a fight and it will. Say an enemy is shooting at you like well no shit

  6. Nah wrath needs a buff with her new hit box her void is useless if u happion to mess up and need the void 95% of the time your killed before you can void Bc of how long it takes she needs her ability’s buff some

  7. Wow wraiths abilities are good solid abilities so everyone loves using rice which means she gets high win rates what does respawn oh let’s nerf her into the fucking ground because people love to use her fucking pathetic I swear respawn needs to get some devs who know how to nerf/buff legends and guns like the damn spitfire why in gods green earth did it get a buff if anything it’s needed a small nerf


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