Apex Pressured to Change after Many Players JUST Quit…

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Apex Pressured to Change after Many Players JUST Quit…

JMeyels Here,
Apex Pressured To make Changes after a large amount of players leave and quit! But here is why I believe it actually is a good thing. What do you all think about this situation down below?

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40 thoughts on “Apex Pressured to Change after Many Players JUST Quit…”

  1. For me its just the same old story sbmm separates from my friends,
    randoms are always mean,
    and I have 1 good moment and the game thinks i am good enough for master lobbies. (im not)
    I gave up lol.
    I just play to gold then uninstall it til next season

  2. I'm one of the peeps who quit playing . Love the game played since S2 every day never played anything else but the last year as been tough and now I've managed to stop playing the game it's just no fun fighting preds and masters every game and I'm just an AVG player that can grind to plat on my own I have no business with those high end players not even sure why I get matched with these guys my k.d is on the floor . Anyway I'm playing rust now it was fun well it lasted I guess

  3. Control might actually make me play again. I got bored af and quit for months because it's just repetitive with just a new legend that takes either apex coins or leveling up around 20 times to actually unlock. I like me some TDM/Domination style gamemodes which control seems to pretty much be like domination like.

  4. If they added a multi-player with like custom classes, domination,, TDM, etc, I'd definitely play 24/7. Its a free game. You don't even need xbox live gold to play it on xbox. It'd be free, and we could play those classic gamemodes on Apex Legends.

  5. Couldn't agree more with your take on the game and game modes. The fact that the player base was at an all-time high during Control just proves it! I played Control a lot, but I also played all other modes while Control was active, and I didn't have excessive queue times for ANY mode. The game can handle it. Golden Nugget: Post Malone single-handedly financing the game over here… 😱🤣

  6. Hey Jmeyels I just watched your last video and was wondering about something. I am on Xbox one and have 1 account, but I am going to be switching to ps5. Am I going to be able to get my account on the ps5?

  7. So apex introduced prowlers and spiders into the game through storm point would be awesome to do a wave of rounds/survival mode or do a capture the flag with 2 teams of 5 players and have wild prowlers and spiders spread out within the map just ideas 🤔🤗

  8. IM a OG and i think control mode was the best thing we have ever gotten, it was fun stress free , i dont have to worry about looting and third parties or my partners leaving a game when they get downed. I want it to come back 100 percent .

  9. Lol you went over the exact reason I don’t like Battle Royales in this video 😂 no skill necessary to third party the third party third party third party third party third party.

    I don’t like current CoD because they want to sell you on weapons. It’s all seasonal weapon balancing and new weapons that are wildly unbalanced (I won’t even touch that hacker issue)

    What I want is PvE. How I get it doesn’t matter. Campaign? Cool, okay. Horde? Fun as all get out. How about we drop on the map, all POIs have replicators, and we can use them to create bases and go straight up into base defense? How about a mode that’s just base assault? There are so many things they can do outside of BR and Control and TDM and they just seem lazy at this point to me. Arenas was a promise of new things to come, then they stopped there and went “well, they like it, let’s stay here” and it’s like they missed the point.

    We want more modes. We want TDM, control, arenas, BR, capture the flag, death race, base defense/assault, horde, campaign, wave defense, prop hunt, custom load outs, a different scope on the kraber, so on so forth. We want a lot more from them and they’re hem hawing around for 2 years then dripping it for the next year.

    I want a lot more. I’m settling for BR and Arenas, but it’s not enough. Control doesn’t fix it, it’s just the next step.

  10. The problem with having control as a permanent mode would be the lack of players in BR which could effect the player base especially on console, I think they could fix this by just having the availability to play cross platform like console players can play with pc players and you would have the option to turn it of like you said.


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