Apex S11 Battle Pass or something

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Apex Legends Moment
take this with a grain of salt, they might change something at the release

is there a point in making ash abilites video or not


40 thoughts on “Apex S11 Battle Pass or something”

  1. no loba swimsuit=insta 0/10, the devs heard the pro’s say valk is a must for repositioning and prowler op so boom valk emote and prowler skin. just completely ignore ash even though most of the community will enjoy her just cause she has a dope ass sword. the cosmetic team is on some goofy shit and actually devs are gonna see how long they can have fucked up servers at launch, so far they’ve gotten to 2 days last season

  2. Battle pass only has one skydive emote… again & it's not even for Ash; it's a shitty one for Valk (so Valk already has three skydive emotes, yet two of them are trash & Loba has yet to get a third 😢💔). Ever since season 9 the battlepass has been genuinely ass.


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