Apex UBER Buffed the P2020 for April Fools! – Apex Legends Season 8

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Music used:

Run – Ross Bugden:


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50 thoughts on “Apex UBER Buffed the P2020 for April Fools! – Apex Legends Season 8”

  1. Ugh… watching Rich have the purple energy mag on the Havoc, drops the Havoc and purple mag n then picks up the Volt but doesn't think to grab the purple mag 2 feet away n then Janks pings it n then he remembers like damn dude… idk why that kinda stuff erks me but Rich does something like this in every video! Lol still love the content either way tho! Keep em coming iTemp! Lol

  2. Wow rapid fire enabled and anti recoil enabled and I like how Rich just tries to play it off like he’s single firing that fast by talking about how he was able to fire single fire weapons in other games. It seems like every streamer is uses a strike pack of some sort.

  3. They should make the Mozambique select-fire with a full-auto setting. Obviously 3 burst isn't a lot, but it would be more viable as a close range finisher…for me anyway…


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