Apex's NEW Respawn Game Mode is HERE! – Apex Legends Season 8

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Run – Ross Bugden:


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33 thoughts on “Apex's NEW Respawn Game Mode is HERE! – Apex Legends Season 8”

  1. not a big fan of this mode, but first day and everyone just apes so its gona get better. it does prolong the lobbies witch is what they are looking to do in anyway other then the match making since that needs to be the manipulated one. don't hope this becomes a permanent feature but could see it as a rare survival slot item with some tweaks so it does not become more broken then totempad pushing.

  2. I watch too many of these… it gives me false hope… I load up Apex and in every gunfight I full send and I'm like "A Yeet!, Scrap in the distance, Get Rolled", only to realise I don't have Rich's skills or SooXfar in my squad. =(

  3. I watch so many people play Apex and I HAVE NEVER fought this many teams by the 2nd ring it’s saying half the teams are gone all my games end after like the 3-4 circle wish I could drop 10+ kills in a game


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