Are PS5 Scalpers Starting To Lose Interest?

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Getting a PlayStation 5 since it released has been difficult with prices being twice the original price in the secondary markets due to resellers marking the system up. Now it looks like the price has started to trend downwards online with Christmas over possibly leading to scalpers losing interest and moving on.

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33 thoughts on “Are PS5 Scalpers Starting To Lose Interest?”

  1. Hello i wood like to say thankyou to you and your team for binging us all the gameing news over the years. and I wish you a happy new year to you and the vewers lets hope 2021 is a better year for us all . Happy NEW YEAR Have a good night and stay safe

  2. Now you can find for 280euros one X, 1terra, blueray. 4K fantastic console for this money, super games to play, strong console, you can play games also 60fps in one X at 1440p I think the best buy for holidays if you need something to play….

  3. I'm not having trouble trying to buy one because I am going to stop looking until they are in stores and until then I don't need one Sony can keep their product until it's convenient for me is the consumer Christmas is over let them be stuck with their extra systems

  4. depends on the country I guess, it's still increasing in Poland and I never even got notification I subscribed for in stores you could possibly have a slim chance to buy it from

  5. You can find xbox everywhere now but the ps5 is on fire it similar to what the wii did it even the non gamers are buying it and here the thing the ps4 gen brought high numbers of new gamers most are girls the amount of girls that buying the ps5 is insane

  6. the CIA took all the consoles so they could modify consoles and add spy tech, that's why they were hoarding the consoles for a couple months, after they done they gonna let ppl get them

  7. How do you know these are scalpers selling those cheaper consoles on ebay? Might as well be people who got the PS5 for christmas and want to make a profit now, lol. Lets be honest, we all have a scalper in us. Or at least a scammer.

  8. Uploader are you trying to tell me you are watching every seller on ebay and keeping a eye on each and everyone of them and seeing the prices drop. nope i don't think you are your putting false info and hope out to people that have struggled to get the new console that they want. scalpers will not drop the asking price until they really have to which will be a cold day in hell because they don't care about anything but money.


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