Are Video Games TOO EXPENSIVE?

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Video games are getting more and more costly, both to produce and to buy! Today, we’re looking at why video games are too expensive. Along with the release of the Xbox Series X/S and PlayStation 5 in 2020, came the revelation that the price of video games was going to increase to $70. Is your hobby leaving you short on change? Let us know in the comments below!

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44 thoughts on “Are Video Games TOO EXPENSIVE?”

  1. Every new Activision, EA, FIFA, NFL the shit that gets a 20xx in title should be 20-30$ a piece, TOPS

    That shit is just regurgitated, same shit but slightly different, doo doo, dookie games.

  2. Another problem with this that even after a couple years some of these games are still at their original price range even after being out for so long.

  3. I hate the excuse that video games cost more to make. I know this was all covered in the video, but games are also more popular than ever and these companies are making billions on games. Add to that the monetization models and the huge bonuses being paid to executives, and I will not buy the justification of the price hikes. It’s just pure greed by executives and appeasing shareholders.

  4. 1 thing that frustrates me in these many "games too expensive" debates is that 70$ is AMERICAN PRICE!!!$ STOP BEING BLIND, in many other countries, games are far more costly. Australia and Europe has insane prices, where I live, Canada, its 20$ more. So SHUT UP about 70$ is to expensive. Besides, these days, after 2, 3 months, games get sells easily. These days, the price drop is fast!

  5. I am 30 years old and started playing video games on the Snes 25 years ago. To me, all open world games are the same – gorgeous to look at but following the same old tired mechanics. You can actually feel the lack of love in all these titles. However the fact that the only other market as stable as video games with relation to market price, are hard drugs, is revealing.

  6. At the end of the day people need to wake up from the fact of the state we're in right now. Most people spend money like its water in the drain and over value many things. These games are not even half the quality of previous generations, just look at how Cyberpunk 2077 launched, and yet they want us to pay more for crap like that.

  7. "research the game before you buy them"
    i always do, especially for AAA games. NGL, buying AAA blindly at release is like a gamble, your either get a good game or broken game

  8. That's a tough question tbh I mean sports games definitely don't deserve 70 dollars but I do think Sony story driven games yeah I think they deserve 70 dollars just because of the quality of most Sony games

  9. its been 10 years now that i did my first pre order, and played a game on launch day. Never again did i make that mistake. Sure there are games that are tempting, even now, but i refuse to pay them money which are more expensive than the bar i set for myself. No matter which publisher, no matter what game it is, i never overstep this border of mine.

  10. I had over 200 games for the PS2, almost a 100 for Gameboy and almost the same for DS. My Xbox 360 didn't reach a hundred and my Switch and PS4 has not reached 50 in total. Yes, it's getting expensive and replay value is small.

  11. People comment that Players that PAY $90+ for a Game are Delusional .. However in Canada this has been the Norm for 10+ years!! WE, in Canada Don't have a Choice in the Matter, Regardless of where You, Live, NOBODY should Criticize ANYONE for what they PAY to PLAY… it is everyone's Choice, to PLAY the Top or any Game WE Love. BackOff to all the People who can't See the Bigger Picture & Who seem to ENJOY Criticizing other People's Choices.

  12. No, video games are not too expensive. The consumer doesn't need to buy the games that are too expensive for their budget. The consumer doesn't need all the DLC. The consumer doesn't need to buy every game that comes out. The consumer doesn't need to buy the game on day 1. The ideal price for the consumer is always nothing. The consumer needs to make choices.

    If you find a game too expensive, accept that you can't buy it and move on. Gritting your teeth and buying it anyway doesn't do you any good.

  13. I don’t need a video to know the answer: yes because businesses think they can charge full price then add micro transactions to a game I paid full price.

    That’s why I play more board games and RPGs like D&D

  14. Sometimes I wish the triple A industry could regulate itself when it comes to employees and their fair treatment however unless drastic measures are taken nothing will change which is the problem. People keep complaining about this shit but nobody takes action. I keep things to myself but I'm getting sick of hearing the same sht over and over and nothing changes

  15. Are we forgetting games back in the 90s were 60 bucks a pop!?

    That's right PS1 games on launch were $60

    That's like 130 bucks today….and we are really bitching about games today being 70? we should be lucky we aren't getting charged $150 per game

    And in America you should be grateful, in the UK these games go for £70….that's $3 shy of $100……now that is insanity

  16. "Please be smarter with your money". Being a gamer my entire life, this is one lesson a failed to understand and i used to spend on games so much Unknowingly this would lose alot of money but i just didnt care. Thankfully i dont spend on video games now and i am happy i dont because video games will give me nothing than just temporary satisfaction. I was late, am 25 now but i did learn my lesson. I am not saying dont spend on games, do spend but know what you are spending on and take full responsibility

  17. Now a days AAA games suck? Full of microtransactions what should cover the cost of the game. And $70 is the way way too much for a video game. And also games are mostly always having a day one patch when it should be already complete


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