Are video games unhealthy!? ASMR FGC game theory

#guiltygear #streetfighter #dragonballfighterz

Looking at the comments I think people are not seeing the entire message of the video, the point of the video is not just it potentially causing stress, but what it causes some people to do or act like to cope with their stress. Look at people deleting world records in mega man X like I showed, or what the community has done to me cope with their own insecurities. It’s not just a physical stress im talking about per say, im talking about people make it more than just a game. People dedicating their life, the game becoming more than a hobby, the game becoming a literal part of their life, that then this potential stress, also potential leads people down a path of destruction, mentally or physically. Again no one can tell me its normal for the speedrunning community to try to delete WORLD RECORDS out of insecurity, or any remote thing that the community has done to me.. But this is what can happen to people when you go this deep. People making a fun hobby and turning it almost into a job or their life.. and then we get into the whole idea that remember although there is milllions of people that play games, only a small amount of them will ever be actually good.


Categories N4G

42 thoughts on “Are video games unhealthy!? ASMR FGC game theory”

  1. I don't know man I never really felt stressed playing a game. Maybe nervous the first few times I played in a tournament but it all just seems like fun and games to me.

  2. Moderation is really needed. I've wasted a lot of my life (24 now) by playing video games and not putting that time torwards something constructive. I can still enjoy them but I have to slap myself a few times and tell myself " Get a move on buddy. Build yourself up. " Moderation is key. I kind of wish I was in a position where there was more struggle to force myself to improve in life itself.

  3. Anything one applies themselves to on a competitive level will bring stress to their life, whether it be a fighting games, speed running games, creating art, music, et cetera. When one finds something they're good at and enters a community of other people who are good at that same thing to show off what they can bring to the table it becomes a constant grind to stay good, stay relevant and requires one to play "politics". When the desired result is not obtained then one will feel stressed, angered, frustrated. One sets a goal(s) for themself and those goals align exactly with the same goals as everyone else in that community. There are only so many people who can obtain that goal and the rest will faulter.

  4. You can feel stress and anger during intense physical activity, does that mean exercise is unhealthy? Sometimes I felt stress during difficult classes in school; is trying to study and learn unhealthy? No one can deny there's more productive things you can do with your time other than play video games, but to say that because a video game invokes feelings of stress makes them unhealthy as a whole isn't very accurate. Stress is a part of life and we wouldn't be here without it.

  5. Nice hair, dude. Seems as though everything is going good so far?

    Now, the subject of video games and are they unhealthy? They can be, depending on the individual. Some people take video games so serious that it is a hindrance to their health, such as making unhealthy choices like soda, energy drinks, and sitting down for long periods of time.

    I do agree and disagree, just like everything else than can be an "addiction" needs to be put into moderate consideration.

  6. Looking at the comments I think people are not seeing the entire message of the video, the point of the video is not just it potentially causing stress, but what it causes some people to do or act like to cope with their stress. Look at people deleting world records in mega man X like I showed, or what the community has done to me cope with their own insecurities. It's not just a physical stress im talking about per say, im talking about people make it more than just a game. People dedicating their life, the game becoming more than a hobby, the game becoming a literal part of their life, that then this potential stress, also potential leads people down a path of destruction, mentally or physically. Again no one can tell me its normal for the speedrunning community to try to delete WORLD RECORDS out of insecurity, or any remote thing that the community has done to me.. But this is what can happen to people when you go this deep. People making a fun hobby and turning it almost into a job or their life.. and then we get into the whole idea that remember although there is milllions of people that play games, only a small amount of them will ever be actually good.

  7. Only time I ever felt stressed and mad playing games was Overwatch, and I didn't even play competitive! I think that's when I realized PvP games just wasn't doing it for me. Consequently this realization also made me figure out why my interest in playing fighters waned over the years; netplay being vital, my connection being shit and my inability to deal with the competition and dedication to learn. I bought Granblue Versus and I haven't even touched it in over half a year smh. Goes to show that I get my fun from fighters by just being a mere spectator nowadays instead of actually playing them

  8. I always give myself long breaks from a game. It's not only unhealthy, but it's unproductive. It's scary how fast time passes when your sitting there in front of a screen. Pointless shit.

  9. Competitiveness in video games(especially fighting games) really takes a lot of fun out of the game for most people, as they can see that most of those tryhards who dedicate their lives to it become toxic and try to lie and complain their way to make themselves known and feel good about themselves. I'm trying to be content creator and be a casual gamer too and I can enjoy almost any fighting game since i don't care about accomplishments, this is good video Clayton even though its mostly for the haters

  10. regarding ping in plus R, i usually get the opposite in that some guy will join the lobby at say, 250 ping and when the match actually starts, it goes down to like 160-180 ping. 200 is the sweet spot, anything higher gets a bit laggy.

  11. I'll never understand why people think that numbers on a screen define them as a person and their willing to fight over how cool they are with a controller its scary honestly

  12. Is the stressfulness of games and the frustration implicit to their competitive nature turning people into jerks? well… If the worlds bends you or if you bend the world is only a matter of strength of character.

  13. I don’t think there is anything on earth that isn’t stressful… like seriously, it’s seems like this video is about throwing shade and taking subliminal shots…. I’m 30 n how i came up, if u gonna shoot. Shoot direct n swift lol

  14. An important video, thanks for making it. Wasted a lot of time playing SF4, my teens up until 2AM playing ranked. I have nothing to show for it except stunted growth. More people need to hear this.

  15. You've got a point there's something about competitive video games that can bring out unhealthy and mean spirited attitudes. Think about it in what other hobby could an adult get so worked up that they curse out a kid which is routine in team games like cod.

    Also with people dedicating their lives to games it can get bad other hobbies they might have picked up in childhood like playing with barbies/action figures have a cut off point but you can theoretically play games forever.

    All in all in moderation games are no more harmful than say watching TV, and if you play more for the spirit of fun than winning you should be alright.

  16. Back in xrd I played for hours and most people I've played are better than me so it's frustrating for not being good enough to win and in general I don't like losing. I start to play in a volatile way if I'm triggered by a high level players or someone who's trolling, I just feel terrible after. Last time I played I ran into the same problem. Been thinking about going back to xrd like an abusing relationship lol.


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