Bangalore Heirloom Animations and Gunzerker Leak!!!! Season 8 Apex Legends

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31 thoughts on “Bangalore Heirloom Animations and Gunzerker Leak!!!! Season 8 Apex Legends”

  1. They should make her heirloom a bowie knife formely known as a (hunters knife) i mean it would be awsome not gonna lie which would tie in to not only history but to what Bangalore is which is she is a former soilder and back in the day back i think it was in war world 1 soilders were given bowie knifes to defend themselves so it would make sense since she is a soilder so it would tie in beautifully to who she is now if they add many animations like mirage they should sell it by the normal amount heirloom cost now if the animations are low quality then they should lower the prince since their just basic animations

  2. I agree with the opinion on the heirloom and smoke like I have no idea why they won’t do it she’s supposed to be like riot police I believe. Lifeline have shock sticks which have also been compared to police batons etc smh

  3. Gunzerker just sounds like the gunzerker from Borderlands 2 who could shot two guns at once (and also got damage reduction, ability to regenerate ammo and some other stuff I think)

  4. I think it would be better if it was a melee based legend or something. Just having someone good at guns is the basis for like every legend. That’s why they are in the games in the first place

  5. The wrist spin is a very common move with weapons. And pretty much all of thr legends have an animation doing it…bh, gibby, ll I know I have seen do it. Bro…you need to let the tonfa go…personally I have always felt that a military issue knife would fit her better then a tonfa..kinda felt like a tonfa would be lame

  6. The wattson heirloom pretty much has to be the next heirloom because all the legends before her already have one and to me it wouldn’t make sense to skip her.


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