Before You Buy – Escape From Tarkov – Find out if EFT is right for you – EUL Gaming

Escape From Tarkov is a very unique game to say the least. And for some, unique doesn’t always mean good. But Tarkov certainly has a lot of qualities about it that many FPS gamers are looking for… as long as they’re willing to overlook a few things first of course. In this video I lay out exactly what kind of game Tarkov is… and what it isn’t. And by the end I think most people can make an informed decision on if they should buy one of the most challenging, and potentially rewarding, FPS titles of all time.

0:00 Intro
0:30 Arcade vs Realism
2:00 Progression
4:06 Game Polish
6:05 Difficulty
8:28 Final Thoughts

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8 thoughts on “Before You Buy – Escape From Tarkov – Find out if EFT is right for you – EUL Gaming”

  1. I would highly recommend buying the base edition first and just messing around for a while to see if it’s for you. I bought the base game last wipe and played to about level 25. Decided I’d like to invest some time in and bought eod around the next wipe. Currently level 42. I’m still shit but I’m getting better. I don’t know that I’ll get kappa my first wipe but I’m close.

    I definitely recommend starting with the base edition for the first little while. If you like it, you can upgrade to EOD (a must imo).

    I’d also recommend not trying to get into it this late into a wipe cycle. It will be even more punishing than it already is on new players. Buy it now mid-late wipe and try and see if it’s for you. Then next wipe, go ham. Right now, nearly everyone is in end game meta gear.

    And the biggest tip: AMMO IS KING. more important than the gun shooting it. Learn the ammo types

  2. there are some things I disagree with:
    1. tarkov is definitely not a 10/10 when it comes to realism. remember, there's still no intertia from movement (counter strike had that figured out 20 years ago), and the game feels pretty arcade in places like facotry or labs, where it's basically a bunch of guys with 40 kg of armor, guns and loot sprinting and shooting meta laser beams. oh, and if you break your leg, it takes 3 seconds to put a splint on it and you can sprint again without any debuff from it. veritas made a very interesting video on what is 'realism' in games and why that term is pretty much a meaningless buzzword.
    2. if you get to the point of having no money and no gear in your stash, there's always scav runs. you don't need to hatchet-run or reset your account at all. scav is free loot and risk-free experience for new players, and you even mentioned it earlier in the video.
    now, I don't wanna be a complete bitterfuck, so let me end this comment with saying that I appreciate your content very much and your lore videos earnd you my sub. I really hope to see thousands of views under your videos, because you deserve them, buddy.

  3. The simple answer is yes, why because you are interested for a reason, the game is UNLIKE any other game, for someone who can play competitive games won't have a problem as much as someone who's interested in the game but isn't so competitive, so why yes, is because they game is made for those kind of players, players who can be more tactical rather than fast passed cod players in the game .those cod players will eventually leave the game because its currently in beta and is farming those players money so they can make you the game they want(they will remove meta guns and retard cod movement), so get it now because you will learn either way which will give you some knowledge on the game and will help you a lot when its finnaly released.


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