BEST LOW ELO Champions Tier List for Patch 12.7 – League of Legends

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0:00 Intro
1:05 Top Lane Tier List
5:59 Jungle Tier List
8:27 Mid Lane Tier List
9:54 Bot Lane Tier List
11:08 Supp Tier List
12:31 Outro

Concepts: Best ADC 12.7 Best support 12.7, best mid laners 12.7, best junglers 12.7, best top laners 12.7, patch 12.7 rundown, 12.7 lol, 12.7 changes, item buffs 12.7, preseason 12.7, chemtech drake 12.7, hextech drake 12.7, Aatrox buffs 12.7, illaoi buffs 12.7, gwen buffs 12.7, pantheon buffs 12.7, yasuon buffs 12.7, yone buffs 12.7, wukong buffs 12.7, neeko buffs 12.7, gangplank buffs 12.7, kalista buffs 12.7, lillia buffs 12.7, karthus buffs 12.7, umbral glaive buffs 12.7, abyssal mask buffs 12.7, zeri nerfs 12.7, ryze 12.7, lee sin 12.7, jayce 12.7,

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46 thoughts on “BEST LOW ELO Champions Tier List for Patch 12.7 – League of Legends”

  1. It starts always with "hey what is strong this patch" and ends with "yup I gonna still play kindred and gwen". They could be E Tier and I would still spam them in Jungle 😛

  2. I don’t think Tryndamere should’ve been ranked that low for low elo play. Holy crap are people stupid in low elo. He can just int lane all game going for only towers and they’ll let him. Similar to Sion and Yorick. They just don’t know how to play against a person who isn’t going for as many kills as possible.

  3. Can you do a tier list dor 1v9 champs. It doesnt matter how well you play in s12 everyone in gold and below just types and stops playing and you cant carry that.
    I also stream so i have vods upon vods upon vods of this exact scenario since season start

  4. As an ADC main, I really don't think Vayne is very good in low ELO. Her laneing phase is pretty difficult as such a short ranged champ and has to play with pretty good auto spacing to properly trade in lane to get ahead enough to carry. Plus has no wave clear so the Vayne player has to be a lot more careful about wave control compared to picks like MF or Jinx that can easily control and clear waves quickly. Imo Samira is a better Vayne if you want to get good at a mechanical champ.

  5. I dont see why low elo teir lists are updated climbing to challenger requires a diverse kit eg heimerdinger, I dońt think llaoi one tricks will oftenly reach challeger.

  6. I literally stopped watching after 10:07. How can you guys put Vayne in a low tier list while she has only 550 AA range? Also all of the attacks that Vayne does is targeted for one champion only. I don't know but placing Vayne on low elo champions while there is Caitlyn with 650 AA range and also with E skill for escaping makes me want to laugh. If you don't know how to kite which low elo players can't you're already dead even if you have a nice support covering/buffing you.

    In jungle picks you guys mentioned about Volibear and It's big force in fights which he can engage and be a backline threat to squishy carries. After saying that you can't put Vayne in low tier champions. I've been following this channel since patch 9.24 and this is the last video I will watch.

    Sorry to say that guys, you're guides and tier lists doesn't make sense anymore.

  7. Idk man, picking up kha zix Is super easy in low elo. You really just need to read his whole kit and your basically done. Kha zix is super strong and deals unholy dmg to isolated targets. Isolation is main thing you need to manage and you just need to understand that u can not 1v1 that midlaner on top of his wave like with other junglers.

  8. How is Lux not OP in support; if she gets a lead on enemy team she can Q then one-tap enemy with her ult and her ult’s cooldown is disgustingly short.

  9. I believe Aphelios should be here since it's low ELO and no ody there knows how to play against him. And I believe spending 1 or 2 days playing him to leant how he works is worth


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