Best PvP Casters in Shadowlands 9.0 [Early Season 1] TIER LIST

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0:00 – Intro
1:39 – Unranked
4:50 – B Tier
6:16 – A Tier
8:26 – S Tier
13:28 – Recap

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28 thoughts on “Best PvP Casters in Shadowlands 9.0 [Early Season 1] TIER LIST”

  1. I'm surprised they don't have Arcane mage here, in A or S tier
    Its boom boom boom and down
    Interrupting interrupting foe with missiles, foe cant do his sheet
    RIP to opponent
    Really most of them time it's x3 click and kaput

  2. Its funny how u put destro to unranked when i seen more destros at 2.4 mmr then i seen arcane or frost mages… even when u check spec representation there is way more destros then arcane and fire ones…. on sites like xunamate

  3. Blizz seems to hate Arcane mage.. How can Blizzard see fire being high tier in BOTH Pve and pvp and Arcane be at the bottom and think that's OK? And Frost at launch was going to be the main mage spec and they crapped on that.

  4. Don't agree with Affliction warlock, as the current Nuke meta you stand no chance unless someone dispels Unstable affliction and you are lucky with Raptor. Destruction have way better chances with support.

  5. Talks about survivability.
    Says "put affliction with the most overpowered spec in the game and you can survive" what the actual fuck.
    Put a sp with a hpala and they won't die.
    And obv "sp is not overpowered in any aspect." Mate i think fade is broken af and needs a nerf.

  6. How is aff A, you have one school which is interrupted ALL the time, insane ramp up and you get globaled by Mele. if you are not paired with a healer or INSANE at pvp you are Unranked as Aff at the moment

  7. For those Elemental Shamans watching this, I'd highly recommend playing with an affliction warlock to maximise your potential and become the literal Avatar. Dispel protection is like your childhood Christmas realised in the present day.

  8. 7:05 one week before this 5% nerf, MM hunters also received a 50% dmg nerf on the second Double Tap hit when it's used with Aimed Shot + 10% dmg nerfs for Aimed Shot when used in pvp.
    So yes the MM burst is a lot weaker than it was after the launch.


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