Bethesda News – Starfield DISCOVERY, Microsoft Expansion Update & More!

I breakdown the most recent Bethesda news, rumors, and speculation!

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24 thoughts on “Bethesda News – Starfield DISCOVERY, Microsoft Expansion Update & More!”

  1. CORRECTION: The Microsoft and Nintendo meeting is not recent and happened in the early 2000s. It was just trending alot all of a sudden so I figured they were in talks again, my bad.

  2. Hey,
    I know some people at r/Starfield threw some dirt on you, specifically saying mean things on their discord, but that's just stigma associated with gaming youtubers in general. The popularity of the "cynical gaming journalist" on the internet and on YouTube especially lead to a lot of emotion-driven "hit-pieces" on BGS by people who appear to be knowledgeable but really have no idea what they're talking about, like SamyoulOnline or YongYea. It's reasonable to assume that a tightly-knit community of Bethesda fans (some of whom are working in the industry themselves) would have this knee-jerk reaction to any youtuber covering BGS. You know how it goes, "once burned, always shy".

  3. The last game to meet hype expectation was fallout 3 for me.. I had the game informer relating to fallout 3. The game topped my wildest imaginings.. granted I was younger and more detached but I miss those glory days.. seems I've kept up with bethesda for years to be more and more let down.. can't say it's just them.. hard for us to speculate games properly anymore when they barely hit benchmark for what should be expected.. if anything this last decade of gaming showed us him limited creativity gets when too much money is at stake. I'd rather companies go back to taking time, years even! Time shall tell as always!

  4. Honestly I would have believed Stanfield was coming out this year BUT with that recent ElderScrolls tease, I think we might actually get ES6 this year instead. I think we've had it all wrong.

  5. You have some of the best and whole hearted content on here man. Ive been watching a lot of your videos and am really enjoying them. I love the investigating you do with the trademarks applications. You back up the claims. Keep it up man. Im hoping to donate to the channel sometime soon.

  6. Nintendo is probably just afraid of cooperating with a hardware manufacturer after they worked with Sony and Phillips. Although I would say that their failures were mostly caused by their own toxic way of cooperating with them so acting like they are all perfect and self-sufficient because it's a part of tradition or something just puts them under a bad light.

  7. The government would step in to prevent a monopoly? Ehm… Google… ehm… Amazon… Sony is huge, yet it is not even a competitor for Microsoft, apart from consoles. All of the big tech companies are for all practical purposes monopolies with a few overlapping sections where they can battle each other out.

  8. "…I forgot which direction my table was?"

    If you hear a faint ticking sound, grab a blunt object or smth and smash it, that table might be a Mimic! Be careful! πŸ”§

    Also nice table (and room). And thanks for the gr8 vids Skullzi! β˜ΊοΈπŸ‘βœ¨


    Also that "PS1 version of Oblivion" meme looks like one of the TES: Travels spin-off games, tbh πŸ€”

    It looks…so beautiful. And just as hilarious as the main game.
    I'm very glad Howard's into the art of that Tonal Architect, young scrolls πŸ“œ

    God(s) bless this Anders guy. Rofl, thank you πŸ€£πŸ‘πŸ‘Œ

    Also the 2001 Microshaft situation sounds so damn funny 🀣🀣🀣


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