*BREAKING NEWS* The Division Universe – The Division: Heartland, Free-to-Play Game, and more!

#TheDivision2 #DivisionHeartland #TheDivisionHeartland


Here is the BREAKING NEWS about The Division Universe. Enjoy!

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29 thoughts on “*BREAKING NEWS* The Division Universe – The Division: Heartland, Free-to-Play Game, and more!”

  1. If its a BR its already DOA. Which means that the DZ in Div 2 will be barren and empty. But im gonna reserve judgment until we see actual gameplay. Plus I signed up the early testing to see what its all about

  2. F2p game – finally some division game with fair price after that shit with DLC for Div2 .
    But i hope it be some proper Survivial with drinking eating crafting etc. (STILL NO SURVIVAL MODE IN D2 LOOL)
    Not another Battleroyale or something..
    PS: oh and that they bring back the SNOW

  3. If they give us content the community will show up, it’s gonna be some whinny crybabies but they’ll be there too…I’m glad they’re not killing the game…hopefully it’s a survival experience 🤯

  4. I got all the exotic weapons is there gonna be new exotic weapons in stored I noticed a few gaps space on my exotic weapon wall in Washington DC and New York base house 🏠🤔


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