Broxah & NoWay4u finds a SCRIPTING Sion in League of Legends Smurf Queue

I was planning on playing some chill duo queue games with NoWay4u, but this scripting Sion made things a little spicy. Even his own team told us to report him! Oh, and I’m playing Master Yi too..

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Broxah & NoWay4u finds a SCRIPTING Sion in League of Legends Smurf Queue

#Broxah #Leagueoflegends #Scripting #Hacks #Jungle #League #LeagueMeta #LoLMeta #Tips #Guide #ProGuide #ProTips #LCS #LEC


26 thoughts on “Broxah & NoWay4u finds a SCRIPTING Sion in League of Legends Smurf Queue”

  1. I haven't seen a scripter in League for years, but I guess they're actually still around! My viewers asked me to play Master Yi (which is a rare sight for sure), and I need to admit it was a bit difficult to perform and make everyone proud against this Sion. When was the last time you saw a scripter in your games?

  2. Broxah. I'm a yi main in bronze. Never tried to climb but I will preach to you the love of my life. Tank yi build. Kraken and maybe wit's/blade if need damage/resistance. Steraks, Thornmail, Nature, basically. Just 2 damage item. If a damage item is also a "tanky" item build it.

  3. WP to this Sion he played safe during laningphase, minimized deaths and yea he let some cs go but now hes scaled and is working with his team to win the game! Well played to this Sion!

  4. "What is this ELO?"

    It's not as much the ELO as it is that people on the internet act out as the shitty little brats that they truly are. Add anonymity to any situation, and you're sure to have tilting results.

  5. They're abusing a similar bug to the rek'sai oneshot bug/script. It also works on Q, they can redirect it however they like. That Riot isn't fixing these massive bugs is just insane to me.
    What we've learned so far; Rek'sai tunnel mechanics were able to be applied on literally anything. Sion Ult limitations are checked client sided. Funny thing is all these similar abilities seem to be coded different. Remember this used to happen on Jhin too, where he would turn around when ulting. They fixed it for Jhin but because their code is so scrappy, not for anything else.

  6. You are real good player but real bad master yi xD Q on minon to dodge or W for Dmg reduc by sion R … and you can do one more AA with W instant cancel to kill this trist in time + after mythic boots and 2 dps items you have to buy 2 deff items to survive Teamfights in higher elo where near everyone focusing you … soo frozen hearth vs trynda and trist + sion is real good with omen and you are unkillable by them (in this case where you dont need magic resist because eve was not strong) and one last think if you are not fed early or even … you can buy Immortal to survive then rageblade and after it full tank … you will be faaar more stronger in TF because if you are behind you get one shot and you cant do one shot so its pointless to be full dmg

  7. How is it that the eve player doesn't get banned for this shit? And how desperate do you have to be for arbitrary league elo to go through that effort? Just rejects all around.


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