BUILD ME A DRONE SWARM! Dyson Sphere Program Gameplay Series EP4 Season 1

The Dyson Sphere Program Game is a new factory sim much like Factorio or Satisfactory, but with one big twist. The scale of this game is on a whole different level as it allows you to travel between planets and solar systems. In this game, your ultimate goal is to harness the power of the sun by building a machine called a Dyson Sphere. To do this you will need to build a massive factory that consumes resources from nearby planets and beyond. Completing the Dyson Sphere Program is no small task. I like to think of it as a journey of 100,000 clicks! In the gameplay series, I will take you on my journey through my Dyson Sphere Program where I tried to make the coolest looking base possible while quite literally trying to bring the entire galaxy to me to feed my one massive factory.

The game, Dyson Sphere Program is available on Steam and is currently at the time of this recording in early access.

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Title: Amazing New Factory Game! Dyson Sphere Program Gameplay Series EP1 Season 1

#DysonSphereProgram #FactoryGame #DSP


44 thoughts on “BUILD ME A DRONE SWARM! Dyson Sphere Program Gameplay Series EP4 Season 1”

  1. I think the game is single core cpu bound, since my 1050ti, i5 650(2 cores), 4gb ram, runs about 40-50fps at about same level of base developments

    Splitters are way too thick. You can charge accumulators by simply putting them on ground: the building is for automating charge/discharge. Taking an item and pressing delete should delete it.

  2. why don't you just make different districts on you planet dedicated to the production of specific ressources, all tied to interplanetary towers to ship the goods to the north pole?

    this way you can gain in efficiency and ramp up production in a clean way….

    like you could already make theses districts:

    -ressearch district(north pole)

    -power district (south pole)

    -chemistry district (east pole)

    – assembly district (west pole)

    – basic processing district ( south-west pole)

    -medium processing district ( south east pole)

    -advanced processing district (north west pole)

    – railgun/dyson sphere district( north east pole)

    but it's just a suggestion tho…

    waddya think brothgar?

  3. hydrogen will be a problem, you never have enough. star converting it and store into deuterium now its 12 per strange matter…i have a 80+ cracking loop making 80 per second and thats still not enough for warps and green cubes

  4. My planet is covered by like 30 outposts each making its own thing, your base is a giant spaghetti that seems to make just about everything, i just cant work out which of the 2 is worse, a place which is so dense that you cant find anything or a place that is so spread out that you have to fly half way around the planet to get something?.

  5. Most important tip I have for this game is, you can go into planet mode (M key) and click on and pull those items from any logistics anywhere on the planet, without going to it in person. Saves a loooot of time finding stuff. I guess the reasoning is you β€œorder” stuff and a drone delivers it to your inventory anywhere πŸ˜‰

  6. I picked the game up. Been having fun creating my own version of your ring. My current projects are automating production of belts and sorters and paving over all the starter planets.

    And now it looks like I’m gonna have to add hydrogen fuel rods.

  7. I've played nearly the entire game without automating a single building or belt. They aren't too big of a time sink, tbh. It's all the indredients that are the time sink.

    I also skipped the hydrogen fuel cells entirely and just started living off of Deutronium Fuel Rods, so no judgment from me. 😁


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