
Learn the story behind your morning Joe. From seed to mug, coffee, and the process by which it is created, has shaped the lives of thousands of individuals worldwide. Working with Geoff Watts, famous green-buyer, the filmmakers travel to America’s most populous coffee-drinking cities and to producing countries, interviewing connoisseurs and farmers alike. With a focus on the social and cultural landscape of coffee, Caffeinated gives the coffee consumer unprecedented access to the farmers responsible for growing that perfect bean, and the producers responsible for brewing that perfect cup.


22 thoughts on “Caffeinated”

  1. OMFG! I am watching this and I can't drink cause of health reasons the real coffee I love! And it makes me so sad cause I LOVE COFFEE!πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

  2. If you want to get a peek at one of the side effects from caffeine, and the adrenaline that it gets into your blood system, read Love and Addiction by Stanton Peale (1975).
    Page 288 – Effects of Expectations and Setting on Reactions to a Drug – Schachter and Singer experiment using synthetic adrenaline on test subjects.
    Want to know why we are bombarded by advertising? Because you are all easily suggestible.
    To me, it makes virtually all of you into narcissistic whackos.

  3. Get some green coffee beans, roast them at home (some learning how needed..actually, easy) grind it, then brew it cowboy styled… Let me tell you something.. damn!! Drink it with a tiny bit of brown sugar…add a touch of butter or just black..heaven!

  4. I buy 5lb bags of green dried coffee beans. And then I roast them myself using a West Bend Stir Crazy popcorn maker. Found out the temp wasn't so much an issue but time matters. between a 20 and 30 minute roast is perfect. Then grind, heat water to 190F to 195F then over freshly ground beans in a French Press. Even my spouse loves it that way.

  5. I spent a few years working for an irrigation supply company along the Kona Coast on Hawaii. I always enjoyed coffee, but it wasn't until I got fresh coffee straight from the growers that I understood how good coffee can be. When I moved away all coffee tasted like dirty water compared to what I was exposed to.

  6. Warning!!! Don't watch this late at night. You will be dying for a cup of coffee. Finished watching this. It's 4:30 AM and I haven't slept yet. Can't wait to sleep and get up. My Aeropress and an Ethiopian are calling my name all night. It's late-night torture …

  7. Anyone that has ever grown, harvested, dried, peeled & processed coffee beans knows it is extremely work intensive requiring massive amounts of slave labor! Enjoy your blood coffee.

  8. i personally think coffee has become too variated and too complicated. also, for the past 6 months or so i have been encountering a problem with several brands of coffee and it makes me think there's been bad batches of beans on earth in the past year.


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