Call Of Duty WARZONE: TOP 5 UNDERRRATED Weapons NO ONE Uses! (WARZONE Best Loadouts)

Here’s 5 Severely underrated weapons that are actually really good in Call of Duty WARZONE! ○ Subscribe and join the Immortals today!


23 thoughts on “Call Of Duty WARZONE: TOP 5 UNDERRRATED Weapons NO ONE Uses! (WARZONE Best Loadouts)”

  1. I think it would be cool to see some load outs for plunder. Since you don’t have to worry about the Gulag I’m curious to see how you would do it. Me my friends play plunder not to plunder, but make it hard for others to and yet we usually stay within the top ten range.

  2. I love the ram7, just an inverse pattern m4 with a higher firerate, pretty nice to use.
    But the cr56 amax is meta, I see so many.
    The SA87 handles bar and is too bouncy for me.
    Uzi .41ae is pretty cracked for warzone but I get bothered by the open bolt delay a bit.


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