CAMERA MAKES ME SICK! Resident Evil Village Demo

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48 thoughts on “CAMERA MAKES ME SICK! Resident Evil Village Demo”

  1. "Over actors, I hope the werewolves get you all."

    Seconds later, congratulations Ty, you got your wish lmao seriously though, this game feels dialogue heavy, which is boring, but your commentary makes it hilarious

  2. Remember the playstation demo disk as a kid.. this demo I think is the demo equivalent, but instead of greats like Abe and metal gear solid, it's tasters of resi 4, house of the dead and silent hill rebumbled.

    How bad does you motion sickness get? Like this made me alittle woozie but I personally suffer worse with motion sickness in my day to day, like my 5ft 3 something ass goes to a 7ft felt height discomfort just standing up most days, let alone walking.. So I know personally how much it sucks to suffer from it

  3. First zombies a different kind of creatures loved it 💖 but than u bring infected humans talking a running witch kind of sucks but ok but now u bring fucking werewolves really this game fucking sucks why not bring back carlos or billy Cohen so disappointed in Capcom just reboot the whole series please

  4. The more Capcom pushes the RE4 system down the throats Resident Evil fans, the more the IP will suffer!!!! RE7 was fantastic, this is just 1st person RE4, which absolutely SUCKS and will ALWAYS suck!!!!! RE4 will NEVER be better than the ORIGINAL Resident Evil system: EVER!!!!! RE4 is SHIT and so is Village!! The graphics do look great, but it’s all just SO underwhelming… Capcom painstakingly re-built the Franchise back up w/RE7, & continued their success with both of the Remakes of RE2 & 3, which were incredible!! Just to repeat history & drop the ball: AGAIN!!! Wake up Capcom…..

  5. Hopefully they have an FOV slider in the final game. This looks like a 70ish fov. And that's why you have motion sickness. And there's head bob. It's probably sub 60 as well.

  6. Lol “ monsters don’t exist!” Hi I’m Ethan and I don’t remember why I’m here that’s why I didn’t bring any guns or have any experience with demons but I’ll pretend I can be a hero but I may disappoint everyone

  7. Ethan, the inept bumbling moron, is at it again. "Excuse me evil witch, you shouldn't be out here, it's not safe." How did such a jibbering imbecile survive the last game? I don't know, and I guess Ethan doesn't either because he seems to have amnesia.

    This game might not be as great as we'd like but, hopefully, we will have Tyannicon's awesome playthrough commentary to see us through.


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