Can I beat this expert level matchup for Illaoi? – League of Legends

Vladimir is NOT easy for Illaoi, let me show you how to handle this vampire.

Matchup: Illaoi vs Vladimir Top Season 11 Illaoi League of Legends gameplay

#Illaoi #Vladimir #Top


10 thoughts on “Can I beat this expert level matchup for Illaoi? – League of Legends”

  1. Hey mobs, I was wondering how you build items as a support. For example as Rakan I feel like the only variety in my build is my mythic and everything else is the same regardless of the enemy team just because I'm poor and need to buy stuff like zeke's for efficiency. Any tips or is that just how it is?

  2. Two good questions to take into every game:

    #1: How do I generate a lead?

    #2: How do I mitigate or prevent my laner from getting a lead?

    In some match ups the 1st question is applicable. In others it's the 2nd question. And in still others it could be both.

    Against a lot of champions that people think are op in low elo the problem they actually have is they only see question #1 and never realize that question #2 is actually the correct approach.

    Example: You gave your opposing Zed no kills or uncontested farm. You've generated a lead; a team wide one. His threat level is substantially lower than if he got even a single kill.

    Same for Riven, Fizz, Darius, Kayle, e.t.c.

    When facing champions that snowball hard getting a lead isn't killing them; it's preventing them from getting kills or anything for free.


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