Cataclysm: DDA — Max Headroom and his Synth Army — Ep 01: Fly like a dragon, Max!

This series started with a request to “do an NPC run”. For that, we needed a true hero, a shaper of minds, a dominant force in the subtle power of suave charisma. We needed MAX HEADROOM!!

Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead is a roguelike survival game, set in a post-apocalyptic hellscape filled with zombies and all sorts of extra-dimensional baddies. Combine the gameplay of Rogue, the apocalyptic isolation of games like Fallout, the complexity and style of Dwarf Fortress, and you can get an idea of what Cataclysm is all about.

The goal is to survive while learning skills, collecting loot, and building our empire. We may die a few times. Dying is fun, after all. But eventually, we will make our survival dreams come true.

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