Caustic is DOOMED in Season 12! … or is He? – Apex Legends Season 12

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Run – Ross Bugden:


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50 thoughts on “Caustic is DOOMED in Season 12! … or is He? – Apex Legends Season 12”

  1. I was playing control and the enemy had 3 caustics, it was cause. No one on our team was caustic so I was a death wish to go in. I threw seers ultimate in the middle of the gas and I saw the entire enemy team just vibing on one point. Turns out they were having a holospray party, it was the only friendly control match and friendlies ingame I have ever seen, for about 2mins. Some bloodhound sprayed them with the r301, all hell broke loose. We died instantaneously.

  2. So glad to see so many fellow caustic mains in the comments refusing to give up after EA's little pointless nerf because major streamers who main wraith and octane complain about him being a viable character.

  3. Mained him last season, he’s basically the same. The big difference is that on Olympus there’s more open space so his traps doesn’t work as well on locking down areas as they do on worlds end.

  4. Thanks for the videos. I notice it's hard to download your stuff for offline viewing because the filesize is typically huge (490MB for 19mins @720p). I hope in the future you can be able to lower that size without reducing the quality too much. The content is still top tier, though. Keep it up.


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