CD Projekt Apologize After Buggy Cyberpunk 2077 Launch, Offer Refund & Promise Fixes




– Brandon Hann
– WECKmaster329
– Brin
– Charlie Galvin
– CommittedHall
– Jonathan Ball
– Devon B
– Gerardo Andrade
– Joe Hunt
– Matthew Szalkiewicz
– Michael Redmond
– Peter Vrba
– Shepard Gaming
– Simon S
– Time Dragonlord
– BattleBladeWar
– JT
– Mark Taylor
– Theron Webb
– Yue


40 thoughts on “CD Projekt Apologize After Buggy Cyberpunk 2077 Launch, Offer Refund & Promise Fixes”

  1. What hurts most about the Cyberpunk 2077 situation is the active deceit, the purposeful manipulation of the review process, and the intentional lack of transparency. That's the part that's gonna be hardest to forget, and there's a lot of work to be done for them to earn that trust back.






    – Brandon Hann

    – WECKmaster329

    [BIG BOSS]

    – Brin

    – Charlie Galvin

    – CommittedHall

    – Jonathan Ball


    – Devon B

    – Gerardo Andrade

    – Joe Hunt

    – Matthew Szalkiewicz

    – Michael Redmond

    – Peter Vrba

    – Shepard Gaming

    – Simon S

    – Time Dragonlord


    – BattleBladeWar

    – JT

    – Mark Taylor

    – Theron Webb

    – Yue

  2. What a way to end 2020. Holy shit, how did we get here? Cyberpunk turns out to be another shallow open world rpg with barely any features, shitty driving and a terrible UI. Fuck my life. Waited 7 years for this. All that hype was for nothing

  3. is it just me or is it only running terrible on the high end and low end of things? I barely hit minimum requirements and i have encountered zero game breaking bugs. it's all been minimal. a floating cigarette in a jonny scene and a cell phone in a wakako scene. I've had 2 crashes only one of them was during gameplay. the other was on launch. I'm running my settings at what digital foundry recommended and the game looks pretty enough and runs at (regrettably) a pretty smooth 30fps. but with my hardware I'm thankful it runs this good at all.

  4. The thing is the game is clearly a demanding title .

    I've built a dedicated pc with for this game with a 10900k and a 3080 and I'm able to play on high-ultra with some frame drops here and there.

    I've also bought it for the PS4 for my wife, and the difference is clear as the day.

    This game wasn't made to run on older console models that's why I believe CDPR is also giving a free next gen update for those who bought the game on the old consoles.

    I understand that it sucks that it isn't optimized for old gen platforms but its a F*cking demanding game even on my dedicated PC.

    I think people should chill a bit since once they change the platform in which they are play now they will get a free copy anyways.

  5. frankly, I'm disappointed with CDPR they were supposed to be different than most of the AAA game companies but they too fell into practices that corporations are well known for using

  6. Why did they even release the game? They must have known this was going to happen. Its not as if they were going to lose money with all the pre orders they got. Its as if they deliberately wanted to ruin the credibility and good will they had earned with their fans. Someone high up has go lose their job for this.

  7. They knew what they were doing. They factored the cost of refunds as a result of launching early vs launching later. Not too many people are going to refund the game vs those who are going to wait out the fixes. Every company does this. CDPR is no different. Guarantee they knew how much exactly it’d cost for the bad press and got that down to a number. They then said “okay that’s doable. Release it. They’ll come back to us.”

  8. I don’t want to be a dick about this but at this point if you are still on consoles and haven’t made the switch to pc then you have only yourself to blame. Console hardware has been generations behind pc’s since the early 2000’s. The last console to outperform pc’s was the n64. Since then consoles are just weak outdated pc’s. Do yourself a favor gamers, stop spending $500 on a branded closed ecosystem weak pc and just build a damn pc.

  9. It’s a shame the gameplay was so inconsistent, and buggy, and that the graphics were so bad because the game is very solid and the ending I got made the whole experience an interesting one. CDPR is still a great company in my eyes but i’d be lying if I said they didn’t lose some respect from me.

  10. Do you know what revolts me? When they delayed to December it was the biggest cry cry and what I saw most was pressure for CDPR not to delay anymore. The game comes out, with problems of course, but nobody even remembers it, on the contrary, everyone is pretending it didn't happen and they are offending the company! One thing is Bethesda to pretend that their games have no problems, another is CDPR who knows that they did something stupid, but nobody knows if there was investor pressure to launch the game in this state, but neither player cares, even they being not forced to buy the fucking game.

  11. I'm not totally angry at CDPR. Releasing a game at a time where there are multiple major console/PC hardware transitions taking place. Are they supposed to delay every version of the game even though the PS5/PC versions are pretty good? I'm playing on PS4 Pro and the graphics aren't that bad for a massive open world game. Yeah there are a lot of bugs/immersion-breaking but nothing that irreversibly ruined my game or made me want to stop playing. The core gameplay and mechanics are really good

  12. I'm just sad that if a company with a good reputation like CDPR still does stuff like releasing games in a not complete state in order to get money fast, and then patch it down the line, gives a pass to more scummy companies to do it as well. I fear it conditions the gamers to allow stuff like this to be "normal". It makes gamers start to think that next time something like this happens they think "yeah, its barely playable, but it's the first 3 weeks of release, this is normal", wich shouldn't be accepted AT ALL.
    In time, we already accepted that big games should be buggy at lauch, now should we also accept this? It's a slippery slope

  13. Even with all the bugs it’s still light years ahead of fallout 76 and a lot of other games. And I don’t really see the point in trying to get a refund when the game will only get better over time. Just put it on the shelf and give it a month

  14. I'm glad you brought up the police system, because it is bonkers right now. I was doing an assault task, where I had to take out like 5 enemy NPCs. They were all standing in front of a building and, across the street, was the NCPD. I thought they were going to start shooting at the enemy NPCs, but nope. They just sat there. I decided to take care of it myself at that point. As soon as I shot at one of the gang members, the NPCD went on alert and started attacking me.

  15. Stuck in a rock and a hard place. They can't cancel last gen versions because it was annlunced too early, they can't delay it more because of heavy fan backlash and by releasing it now they only have 3 really functional versions of the game. I don't envy who had to make the decision.

  16. It's sad to see gaming industry being taken over by like con artists year after year. Even after the apology from CDPR, I'm still getting a refund. The game has no substance whatsoever. It's a complete scam.

  17. I like CDPR as everyone else, and I am down to forgive them. But this better don't turn into a practice. Because if they do that, might as well call them slightly better Ubisoft

  18. You can make it up too me by giving us third person view and patchwork in which you will do. I'm not mad, disappointed or surprise, it comes with the territory making on this scale. I know that CD Projekt Red will make this right.

  19. An apology / refund is….natural. Expectedly basic, like breathing. To earn any goodwill, refunds on top of “something else” to make up for the trouble they caused to the customer.

    Furthermore, we can talk about what else on TOP of that to make up for the goodwill abused, if they don’t want to be thought of as an EA or Activision type company. They did this to themselves. Fool me once…


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