CHALLENGER AKALI SEASON 11 GUIDE | Zerinali – League of Legends

Challenger Akali season 11 guide. Enjoy 😀
Accounts: (High winrate account with Multiple Champions, cuenta con winrate alto con varios champs,여러 챔피언이있는 높은 승률 계정) (Unranked to diamond with phase rush Akali mid when i get a better connection, unranked a diamante con akali phase rush en mid cuando tenga mejor conexion,내가 더 나은 연결을 얻을 때 위상 러시 akali와 다이아몬드에 순위가 없습니다 ) (Unranked to diamond with grasp akali when i get a better connection, unranked a diamante con akali con grasp cuando tenga mejor conexion, 더 나은 연결을 얻을 때 akali를 잡고 다이아몬드에 순위가 없습니다.) (Decayed Account D2 77% WR challenger mmr to Plat 1(last season) playing Akali and Katarina, cuenta decaida de diamante 2 con 77% de WR con mmr de challenger a platino 1 (la season pasada) jugando Akali y Katarina)łi (I wanted to get this one to challenger but am gonna leave it in diamond since my connection is getting worse every day and i lost most of my games because of disconections, queria llegar esta a retador pero la dejare en diamante ya que mi conexion se esta volviendo peor cada dia y e perdido la mayoria de mis juegos por desconexiones,이 게임을 도전자에게 전달하고 싶었지만 연결이 매일 나 빠지고 불합격으로 인해 대부분의 게임을 잃었습니다.)

About Me:
Hi guys :), my name is Zerinali and am a challenger Akali one trick. I started to play league around Season 2 because some friends recommended it to me and i find it fun and stick to it :D. I started to play Akali by the end of season 2 because i found her really cute and extremely fun. I started to play ranked in Season 7 because i wasn’t confident enough to play ranked and i was scared to mess up every time so i forced myself to play rank and ended up platinum but i got demoted since i didn’t play anymore. On season 9 i made it to Diamond 2 on NA server with 65% winrate on Akali and Diamond 2 on LAN server with 75% winrate (didn’t play on season 8). This season i got Challenger with 520 lp on LAN server, i can’t play in other regions because my internet sucks :D(125 ms to 2k ms).


Are you Korean?
Yes am Korean and a latin descendant aswell.

What server are you playing?
I can only play on LAN server because of my unstable ping.

Do you Live in Korea?
Not anymore am living in Dominican Republic since I was 11.

Why Tiamat?
It helps your laning phase a lot because if you start doran shield the health regen from both items gets stack, it helps your wave clear, makes you a better splitpusher and it helps taking jungle camps.

How many mastery points do you have on Akali?
5 million

What was your highest rank?
Diamond 2 with challenger mmr
Challenger 571 lp


자주 묻는 질문

예, 한국어와 라틴어 후손뿐만 아니라입니다.

어떤 서버를 플레이하고 있습니까?
불안정한 핑 때문에 LAN 서버에서만 플레이할 수 있습니다.

한국에 살고 있습니까?
내가 11 살 때부터 더 이상 도미니카 공화국에 살고 있지 않습니다.

왜 티아마트인가?
두 항목 모두에서 건강 리젠을 보호하기 시작하면 파도가 명확해지고 더 나은 스플리트 푸셔가되고 정글 캠프를 복용하는 데 도움이되기 때문에 라인 위상단계가 많이 도움이됩니다.

당신은 아칼리에 얼마나 많은 숙달 포인트가 있습니까?
500만 명

가장 높은 순위는 무엇이었나요?
도전자 mmr와 다이아몬드 2


¿Eres coreano?
Sí soy coreano y un descendiente latino también.

¿En que servidor juegas?
Sólo puedo jugar en LAN debido a mi ping inestable.

¿Vives en Corea?
Ya no, vivo en República Dominicana desde que tenía 11 años.

¿Por qué Tiamat?
Ayuda mucho a tu fase de linea porque si empiezas a proteger a Doran la regeneración de salud de ambos objetos se acumula, ayuda a que tu ola se despeje, te hace un mejor splitpusher y ayuda a tomar campamentos en la jungle.

¿Cuántos puntos de maestría tienes con Akali?
5 millones.

¿Cuál era tu rango más alto?
Diamante 2 con mmr de challenger.

Challenger 571 lp


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#Akali #LeagueOfLegends #Challenger


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Akali build
Akali guide
Akali top guide
Akali mid
Akali pro builds
Akali pro build
Akali top lane build
League of Legends top 5 tips
League of Legends top 10 tips
League best tips
Challenger Akali
Akali Challenger
Akali Diamond
Diamond Akali
Challenger Akali Main
Diamond Akali Main
S10 Akali guide
LoL S10 Akali guide
League S10 Akali guide
Season 10 Akali guide
Diamond S10 Akali guide
How to improve at League of Legends S10
Challenger gameplay
Tips for getting better at League of Legends
Getting better at League of Legends
How to get better at League of Legends


48 thoughts on “CHALLENGER AKALI SEASON 11 GUIDE | Zerinali – League of Legends”


    Doran – sustain+dmg

    dark seal – high risk reward

    doran shield – sustain against poke


    Riftmaker – Ap, Hp, Cdr, Spellvamp + bonus at tfs + true dmg + magic pen to legendary items

    Night Harvester – Ap, Hp, Cdr + Gunblade burst + mov. speed + cdr to legendary items


    If Riftmaker → Demonic Embrace – Ap, Hp, Dmg based on health, armor and mr during combat

    After Demonic Embrace → Void Staff – magic pen.

    Sorc Shoes for magic pen, Steelcaps if against a full ad, Mercury's if against heavy cc

    Get morello if they have a lot of healing. If they don't have it, go for Zhonya's

    Lich Banes empowers AA

    For the last item, Rabadon's for the ap buff

    Riftmaker→ Demonic Embrace → Voidstaff → Morellonomicon/Zhonya's → Lich Bane → Rabadon's

    If Night Harvester → replace Demonic Embrace with Morello.
    Night Harverster → Morellonomicon → Voidstaff → Zhonya's → Lich Bane → Rabadon's

  2. i'm not sure why when i try to execute the e1 – r1 combo (bouce back and then at them because of r1) the game waits until the e finishes first and then executes the r1, even though i pressed both as fast as I can, am i doing something wrong? it just doesn't work like yours did

  3. gr8 video as always but can i say something! i played some games in this preseason as akali and even though i know akali AAs are weak the prev season! this season i legit deal 0 dmg to the CS is that a bug or what? its legit making you lose so much CS on a melee champ!

  4. Im sorry i sae the vid late but i had a question where should i play akali now top or mid bcz i one trick her top should i start playing mid cuz top now is a lane full of op champs. I would like to add u if u have a na account 🙂 if u dont like my rank or my akali gameplay u can unfriend me 🙁

  5. Is there a possibility you would record ad akali? 🥺the build is usually divine sunderer ravenous hydra deaths dance ga and spirit visage for example you d run conqueror with it? 🥺IMO she's pretty busted on toplane with it!


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