Challenger Zoe explains how he wins lane through all game knowledge | 12.3 – League of Legends


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44 thoughts on “Challenger Zoe explains how he wins lane through all game knowledge | 12.3 – League of Legends”

  1. Would it be better to sleep someone just to keep them out of the fight in this case, or is chunking still the best course of action? I guess it depends on how well your early game goes, like if you don't get a lead or even fall behind, would these strats still be viable?

  2. Please upload the malphite swap accident to Pekinwoof 2 and if possible include the moment that you accidentally made the swap. I wanna hear the moment that you realized u fucked up

  3. I mean, you basically could go afk and still win the game. It was already won when karma roamed top level 4, after that enemy team starter hard trolling only. In the real world you would have been stomped by renekton in early so much to go afk, and after 6 Olaf could roll over you like a truck. You basically can't do an instructional video when botlane Is so fed from the start and totally carried the early game lol

  4. It get's kinda hard when You play versus some players that know how to dodge bubble ;/
    Also i like to take hexflash to proc W and use it to do 3 times distance with single Q from fog of war that deals max or almost max dmg~
    Do You ever used Q+Hex+Q+R to do max dmg one shots?

  5. "Wow, I can't believe PekinWoof typed that inside of the post-game thing. I can't believe he would say something like that. I thought he was SUPER not toxic. (And then make it so people will watch more of the video because of that). Thanks for watching guys and I'll see you guuys… nnneext time."


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