CLUTCHING Fights Using MOVEMENT – Apex Legends Season 7

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37 thoughts on “CLUTCHING Fights Using MOVEMENT – Apex Legends Season 7”

  1. 0:11 slow the video down, to .25x and see for yourself that he is not even landing the shots but he managed to hit that bangalore, so his cheats are messing with the hit registration engine, that is on the server side, plus hi uses ultra high sensitivity, or his aimbot forced him to flick to another enemie, just see for your self. this is not fun, even i get bored of winning all the time, i like to learn and sweat but not hack like you and many others. yes, eliminate my comment, dont worry, im not the only one aware of your cheats, in order to do so, you may need to eliminate your youtube channel, and stop hacking, because sooner or later, gamers in apex is going to notice you are cheating, and using low fov aimbot, thats why you flick a lot your aim, to gather a target and make the shot with auto trigger.

  2. Dude there's no way aim assist helps against this type of movement.
    This is a pure example of the potential a MK player can attain.
    Console players could never move this smoothly.


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